Advertisement for participants of VII generation of Democracy School

CCE and FES are publishing an ADVERTISMENT for VII generation of the


School comprises 5 modules lasting totally four months. The courses will be held once or twice a week for 2 hours. All expenses are covered by the fondation Friedrich Ebert and Centre for Civic Education, with obligation of the participants to attend not less than 80% of the programme.

Upon finishing of the School the participants shall receive a certificate and be eligible for further educational development.

The right to participate have candidates who want to contribute to development of democracy and civic society in Montenegro. All candidates are welcome, regardless of age, gender, nationality, religion or personal convictions, with the indication that advantage have activists of the political parties and non-governmental organisations and all individuals who are showing high level of social activism.

Moderator of the School is professor Radovan Radonjic, PhD, and beside him eminent domestic and foreign lecturers will be working with participants.

All interested candidates may submit their application with short biography not later than 23 February 2006, on the address:

Centar za građansko obrazovanje
(for “Škola demokratije”)
Njegoševa 36, 81 000 Podgorica
or on fax: 081 / 665 112 or via e-mail: cgo@cg.yu