When You Go to the Army, I will Kiss(ll) You – Youth and Military Service

PUBLIC CALL When You Go to the Army, I will Kiss(ll) You – Youth and Military Service Online Panel Discussion Centre for Civic Education (CCE) invites interested young people from Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia to join a conversation on the introduction of military service. During the discussion, participants will have the opportunity… »

The Law must apply equally to all

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) emphasizes the importance of respecting the Law on the selection, use and public display of national symbols by all decision-makers, considering how violations of this law can contribute to the ongoing polarization in our society. Shortly after becoming the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Andrija Mandić introduced the Serbian… »

An inclusive society is built through dialogue and cooperation

Interculturalism is the key to shaping harmonious communities where different cultures not only coexist but also enrich one another. Such discussions contribute not only to building mutual trust but also to strengthening social cohesion, which is vitall for the stability and prosperity of society. This was one of the messages from the public forum on… »

Citizens must not be ignored in decision-making that shapes their lives

The participation of civil society organizations and citizens in public policy shaping and decision-making processes is a part of democratic standards and best practices, which Montenegro aims to achieve through its Europeanization process. The current situation in this area is not good in Montenegro, and in order to improve it, a series of substantive steps… »

Transparency is one of the elements of strengthening local governments

Transparency and accountability facilitate the work of local governments and strengthen citizens’ trust in them, hence, making it essential to continuously enhance these aspects. This was concluded following a two-day training session organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on 10 and 11 October in Perast, attended by 17 representatives of local governments from… »

Inevitable resignations or dismissals of numerous public officials in working bodies and councils due to conflict of interest

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) submitted today an initiative to the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (APC) to determine the existence of conflicts of interest for those individuals appointed to working bodies and councils, in accordance with the Law on the Prevention of Corruption as public officials, who simultaneously have service contracts with companies… »

APC to demonstrate principled stance and integrity by addressing new provisions of the General Law on Education

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) submitted today an Initiative to the Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC), urging the prompt opinion on the Law on Amendments to the General Law on Education, which reinstates the provision granting the Minister the power to appoint and dismiss directors of public educational institutions. The CCE reminds that for… »

Education is the stronghold of an intercultural society

Education is the stronghold for strengthening civic competencies to build an intercultural society, as stated today at a panel discussion on interculturalism organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) in Bar, held at the Bar Municipal Assembly. “This is an opportunity to encourage citizens, especially young people, to think more actively about interculturalism and… »