Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses serious concern over the statement made by Mitar Šušić , a councilor of the New Serbian Democracy (NSD), during yesterday’s session of the Capital City Assembly, which represents an example of discrimination, homophobia and hate speech against LGBT persons.
Statements of this nature, especially coming from elected representatives, are not only ethically unacceptable but also verge on illegality and pose significant risks. This is why Šušić’s remarks deserve clear condemnation from all political actors, particularly those within the ruling majority to which he belongs.
Namely, during the debate on the Capital City’s budget proposal, Šušić pointed out that €15,000 had been allocated for LGBT office activities, which operates within the Capital City, the same as in the previous year. He stated that he would like all stakeholders to become “aware that this ‘woke’ ideology has been surpassed globally” and that “we no longer need to be violent against common sense to fulfill someone’s agenda.”
He further states: “These €15,000 will be used for competitions for the best literary work on LGBT rights, which is such nonsense. That money could be better spent on truly vulnerable groups.” He added that “everyone has the right to behave the way they want, but it is really pointless to give someone money for the development of something so completely personal in the extreme, and completely inadequate for anything natural and normal.” He concluded by stating that “we should not be the last haven of some insane ideology that once flooded the world but has now been defeated in America, in a part of the European Union, in Russia, and in China.”
By framing the protection and promotion of LGBT rights as “violence against common sense,” “someone’s agenda,” “completely inadequate for anything natural and normal,” and a “crazy ideology,” while celebrating countries known for their repression of LGBT people, Šušić has demonstrated, at the very least, a complete lack of understanding of the issues facing LGBT individuals.
This also indiates to a lack of understanding of the basic principles of democracy and human rights. Human rights cannot be „defeated“ by the will of authoritarian politicians, such as Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Viktor Orban or Xi Jinping . They are universal, inalienable and independent of current political circumstances.
The CCE also rejects the manipulative and irresponsible claim that funding for LGBT initiatives comes at the expense of “truly vulnerable groups,” as LGBT individuals are among the most vulnerable in society, facing daily discrimination, violence, and stigma on a daily basis. Funding for equality promotion is not wasted money – it is an investment in a society that respects and protects the rights of all its citizens. The modest funds allocated by the Capital City for the LGBT Rights Office represent a minimal contribution compared to the support this office is supposed to provide to society and LGBT individuals.
LGBT rights are human rights. Homosexuality, bisexuality, and transgender identities are natural occurrences that do not threaten anyone or infringe upon anyone’s rights. On the other hand, statements like those made by Šušić and others like him certainly do.
Petar Đukanović, Programme Director