Centre for Civic Education (CCE) congratulates the 4 April – Day of Students, to every student. CCE believes that there aren’t many reasons to celebrate this year’s 4 April, since there was no progress in the improvement of position and role of students in Montenegrin society. Montenegrin students welcome this day in the arms of… »
Amendments of Law on Higher Education should be the subject of extensive social dialogue
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) estimates that a number of proposals by the Ministry of Education in the case of current amendments of Law on Higher Education introduce radical and potentially dangerous applications which could be of further detriment to the already poor quality of higher education in Montenegro. First of all, Ministry of Education… »
Report from the press conference on the publication of Joint Language Declaration
Starting at 12h00 in Media centre (Kolodvorska 3) in Sarajevo, press conference was held on the occasion of publication of text of Joint Language Declaration. Text of Joint Language Declaration and its objectives was presented by Professor Enver Kazaz, writer Ivana Bodrožić, Vladimir Arsenijević from the Association Krokodil, writer and journalist Balša Brković and Borka… »
FAST FORWARD Human Rights Film Festival continues its cooperation with the prestigious Movies that Matter
Miloš Knežević, director of FAST FORWARD Human Rights Film Festival, is participating in a six-day training programme “Cinema without Borders”, organised within the Festival Movies that Matter from 24 to 29 March 2017 in Hague, Netherlands. This is the continuation of previous cooperation and support between the prestigious Movies that Matter and FAST FORWARD Festival,… »
Sixtieth anniversary of EU – crossroads for the EU, but also for Montenegro
On the occasion of 60 years after the signing of Treaty of Rome, 25 March 1957, when the foundations for the establishment of EU were laid symbolically, and which is nowadays marked in various manners throughout the EU, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assesses that it is a good opportunity to reflect on the… »
There can be no respect of right to truth without the information on every casualty and adequate punishment for the ones who were responsible for their suffering
On the occasion of March 24 – International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) urges the representatives of judicial and executive authorities to take everything what is in their power to shed the light on the fate of… »
Outstanding interest for the participation in project “Knowledge and skills for jobs!”
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) received an outstanding number of applications from graduates who are interested to attend the programme of capacity building and working practice within the project “Knowledge and skills for jobs!”. The competition closed on 15 March 2017. Namely, after detailed technical review of documents, there were registered 364 eligible applications of… »
To prevent police officers to return to functions from which they violated human rights by law
On the occasion of 15 March – International Day of action against police brutality – Centre for Civic Education (CCE) would like to indicate on the insufficient sanctioning of police officer performance, who act restrictively on the freedom of citizens and respect of human rights. CCE has previously expressed its concern due to the abolition… »
Peace Education Programme (PEP) – for the tenth time
In the framework of the educational programme ”Contemporary tendencies of critical thought” and in response to popular demand CCE presents, for the tenth jubilee time in Montenegro, the world-renowned PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PEP) This programme of weekly, hour-and-a-half long workshops, lasts for 10 consecutive weeks. It is created by The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), with… »
8 March – chance for action for the equality of women
On the occasion of 8 March, International Women’s Day, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) indicates that gender equality and full accomplishment of women’s rights in Montenegrin society are still far-fetched. In spite of the numerous legal solutions and institutions that established in line with European and international standards, status of women is still slowly changing,… »