Western Balkans Reflection Forum – from Berlin to Trieste and the way ahead

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised a “Western Balkans Reflection Forum – from Berlin to Trieste and the way ahead” in cooperation with Centre franco-autrichien pour le rapprochement en Europe (CFA/ÖFZ), Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) and Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). Daliborka Uljarević, CCE executive director, reminded of the importance of Berlin process, as… »

Civic condemnation of the Ministry of health statement

Group of bellow signed individuals and civil society organisations strongly condemned the statement of Ministry of Health of Montenegro “Health care of Montenegro provides adequate health protection to all citizens”, publicized on the website of this body on 26/01/2017. Namely, the statement states that Ministry of Health “once again appeals to citizens to resolve their… »

Individuals and society ought to remember the Holocaust

On the occasion of 27 January – International Holocaust Remembrance Day – Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls upon the citizens and institutions to work together on the establishment of a society of tolerance and openness towards diversity, by learning the facts on crimes and other various and atrocious expressions of fascist ideology which left… »

Is there any reason to celebrate the Day of Journalists in Montenegro?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), ahead of 23 January, the Day of Journalists of Montenegro, takes opportunity to remind about increasingly more difficult position of journalists and independent media outlets in Montenegro, as well as indifference of the authorities to contribute to creating a favorable environment for development of media. To this date, countless physical… »

Education for human rights and civic activism – how to action?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organized today in Podgorica the first Forum of Human Rights School, focused on Education for human rights and civic activism – how to action? Forum has gathered 20 former participants of Human Rights School who have, within four working groups, discussed and gave recommendations for improvement of education for human… »

Government of continuity in relation to critically oriented civil society

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses its disappointment at the refusal of Prime Minister Duško Marković to establish system of personalized responsibility within the system of Government, as evidenced also by refusal of the Initiative of CCE that the should Prime Minister issue a decision binding heads of state administration that all the information, press… »

Homeless are part of our reality and they need help of state and society

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls upon relevant institutions to urgently find a sustainable solution for accommodation for homeless people from Podgorica, and Montenegro in general, given the extremely inhumane conditions in which, under the open sky or in abandoned public spaces, they are exposed to effects of a harsh winter without heating and adequate… »

II CALL for 10 interns

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Institute Alternative (IA) and portal Vijesti, within the project ACTIVE STUDENTS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT! announce the II CALL for 10 interns The selected students will go through training programme and practical education comprised of: – study visits to organisations and enterprises which are an integral part of the project; –… »