Democracy School – XXIV generation

CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung announces an OPEN CALL for participants of the XXIV generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises of 5 modules in total duration of four months. The sessions will be held once or twice a week, in duration of two hours. All… »

Coalition for RECOM: Finding the body remains of the “missing” is a cornerstone in the development of a public culture of memory of the past

Sarajevo, Zagreb, Beograd, Priština, Podgorica, 30/08/2014 On the occasion of the International Day of Missing Persons, the Coalition for RECOM calls on the governments of the post-Yugoslav countries in the region, national commissions and other competent bodies to confirm that the discovery of the body remains of involuntarily missing persons is a priority, and a… »

The youth are not sufficiently involved in decision-making processes

On the occasion of the International Youth Day, the Centre for Civic Education Youth Group (CCEYG) reminds on non-sufficient involvement of the youth in decision-making processes in Montenegro. Participation of the youth is one of the guiding principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it represents an important factor in the process of… »

Reaction of the Institute Alternative (IA) and the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) to statement of the Capital City on findings of analysis “Employment in Montenegrin municipalities – merit or party based?”

Institute Alternative (IA) and Centre for Civic Education (CCE) inform the public that statements of the PR service of the Capital City regarding “unfounded, unprofessional and malicious” assesments of IA and CCE are an expression of rashness and lack of information. We believe that one established, serious and substantiated public address must be preceded by… »

Employment in Montenegrin municipalities – merit or party based?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Institute Alternative (IA) have presented today at a press conference the analysis “Employment in Montenegrin municipalities – merit or party based?”.The analysis has been prepared within the project “Corruption at the local level – zero tolerance!”, implemented by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with the NGO… »

The CCE proved the legality of its work

Integral statement of Daliborka Uljarević, CCE Executive Director, at the press conference where she presented the results of measures and activities that the Prosecution conducted in last 20 months against the CCE, as well as the further activities of the CCE concerning this issue The process that took place before the Prosecutor following the charges… »

Letter of the representatives of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Centre for Development of NGOs and Institute Alternative (IA) to the representatives of the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration

Podgorica, 28.07.2014. In the capacity of the members of the Working Group for the preparation of negotiations on Chapter 23, we are addressing you with the intent to inform the public about details of the difficulties that we, as representatives of the NGO sector in this body, are facing. The specific motive is the fact… »

The influence of political corruption on decision making process at the local level

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), within the project «Corruption at the local level – zero tolerance!», organized panel discussion on ,,The influence of political corruption on decision making process at the local level“. The panel was opened by Daliborka Uljarević, CCE executive director and Stevo Muk, President of the Administrative Board of the Institute alternative… »

The influence of political corruption on process of decision making at local level in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Institute Alternative (IA), NGO Bonum and NGO NADA invited you at the panel discussion within the project Corruption on local level – zero tolerance! The influence of political corruption on process of decision making at local level in Montenegro Monday, 28 July 2014, 12:00-13:30 Centre for Civic Education, Podgorica Panelists:… »