Centre for Civic Education (CCE) notes that there is a need for establishing accountability of highest state officials of the Government of Montenegro for unduly or complete non-fulfillment of obligations from the Government Work Programme for 2013. It is not known to public whether during the adoption of the Government Work Programme for 2014 there… »
Democracy School – XXIII generation
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of the XXII generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises 5 modules lasting for total of four months. The sessions will be held once or twice a week for two hours. All expenses are covered by… »
Council for protection against discrimination to open a dialogue with NGO sector
Members of the Council for protection against discrimination, Daliborka Uljarević, executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Milan Šaranović, Director General of the Centre for Anti-discrimination EKVISTA, upon recent events that have publically revealed the lack of adequate relations of majority in the Council towards the NGO sector, sent a proposal for… »
No propaganda will hide problems in the work of the Council for protection against discrimination
We are happy that the story about the work of the Council for protection against discrimination has finally been opened in the Montenegrin media. As members of the Council, we also use this opportunity to contribute to the establishment of clear operating procedures of this body, its transparency, non-selectivity in the consideration of topics and… »
Professors to sign a statement that they have full time contract only with the UoM
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has submitted an Initiative to the Rector of the University of Montenegro (UoM), as the person who manages the work at the UoM, to ask the employees at the UoM to declare in writing and submit a signed Declaration, which under financial and criminal responsibility states that they are not… »
“Grave mistakes” should be corrected
The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes decision of the Government of Milo Đukanović to destroy undated resignation letters that he personally, when taking office, has asked from heads and deputies of all state bodies and institutions to sign. This act, which was entirely contrary to the rhetoric commitment of the Government to professionalization of… »
Pressures on the media have never been stronger
On the occasion of the Day of Journalists of Montenegro, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) notes that Montenegrin journalists have never been in a more difficult situation and under stronger pressures that are limiting their work. The CCE expresses solidarity with efforts of all those social actors who are trying to change this for… »
The public needs to have complete answers
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes yesterday’s publicly expressed indications by the management of University of Montenegro (UoM) that it is starting to respect the law and save money by hiring its own staff and reduce hiring visiting professors, as well as double employment. It is the fact that UoM produced a big number of… »
Joint Statement of the NGOs who left the Round table organized by the Council for protection against discrimination as a protest
A group of NGOs left the meeting earlier today as a protest against continuous ignoring and exploitative behavior of the Council for protection against discrimination. Since the beginning of work, the agenda was not respected. Following the opening statements, a long unscheduled break has been made during which the key speakers left the event. Prime… »
Determine the damage caused by double employements at the UoM
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), has been repeatedly warning against mismanagement at the University of Montenegro (UoM) during previous years, which caused damage to the budget of the UoM, as well as the quality of teaching, stating very specific examples, which, unfortunately, the responsible state authorities have not acted upon. There are numerous assertions, indications… »