Prejudice fair

Everything that NGOs are doing is a form of political action since NGOs are political phenomenon too… Prejudice fair – (pdf)

Corruption must not be tolerated

On the occasion of the international day for the fight against corruption, the Centre for Civic Education highlights the need of a systematic and decisive fight against widespread corruption in Montenegrin society. Apart from an evident political will to create conditions for a safe and sound reporting on corruption, this includes a professional work by… »

War for Peace – 21 years later

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Action for Human Rights (HRA) from Podgorica and Documenta from Zagreb recall that on this day – 6 December 1991 one of the strongest attacks on Dubrovnik was carried out by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) from the territory of Montenegro, when during the shelling 19 people were killed… »

The same approach should be applied to all faculties

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses its satisfaction that, after four years of our insisting, the problem of corruption at the University of Montenegro (UoM) was finally explicitly recognized, and that the organs of the UoM itself and inspection services have begun dealing with it. The approach to solving this problem must be the same… »

Elections and election programmes 2012 – content or form?

AGENDA Conference on the course and character of the 2012 election campaign “Elections and election programmes 2012 – content or form?” PR Centre, Podgorica, 29 November, 2012 10h00 Registration of the participants 10h10 Welcome note and Opening Remarks Daliborka ULJAREVIĆ, Executive Director, CCE 10h20 What were citizens of Montenegro offered during the 2012 election campaign… »

Bjelica should provide specific answers

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is shocked by the reaction of the President of the UoM’s Administration Board Duško Bjelica where there were not only very generalized and unsubstantiated comments on our work, but insults against the academic community, threats to the CCE itself, and, which is not of less importance, there were no answers… »

Diplomas given to the Xxth generation of the Democracy School

Today, XXth generation of the Democracy School, organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) successfully ended it’s work. Formal diploma ceremony was organized on 28 November, during which participants received diplomas by Radovan Radonjić, the leader of the School, Daliborka Uljarević, executive director of the… »

UoM should be in focus of the tax and financial inspection

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses it’s serious concern over the implementation and enforcement of process actions of the procedure, which attempts to clarify the situation on a number of issues at the University of Montenegro (UoM). Especially revealing is the fact that the President of the UoM’s Administration Board Duško Bjelica is focused on… »

Statistics about violence are still dominantly female

Youth Group of the CentrE for Civic Education (YGCCE) in occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women uses the opportunity to point out, once again, the existence of the problem of violence against women within the Montenegrin society, but also the need for more serious approach to this topic in… »