Investigate the circumstances of riots

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls on the Minister of Interior to order checks at all levels in order to determine whether the officers applied the authority entrusted in line with the law and what were the reasons of the abuses of authorities, especially toward minors… Investigate the circumstances of riots – (pdf)

Is there any champaign for the citizens

These elections did bring an important democratic step forward, most of all in the awareness of our citizens who more than ever before, although still too timidly, acted on their conscience… Is there any champaign for the citizens – (pdf)

Panel discussion: Confronting the future – why it is time for RECOM?

Centre for Civic Education on behalf of the Coalition for RECOM is organising PANEL DISCUSSION on CONFRONTING THE FUTURE – WHY IT IS TIME FOR RECOM? Guests/panelists: Zarko PUHOVSKI, professor at the Faculty of philosophy, University of Zagreb Tea GORJANC PRELEVIC, executive director, Human Rights Action Dragoljub Dusko VUKOVIC, journalist Panel moderator will be Mirela… »

Citizens must be protected from attacks

After the repeated attack on Todor Vujosevic, actor of the TV clip “We are part of the team!” (Mi smo dio ekipe!”), which is promoting protection of rights of LGBT population, the non–governmental organizations Human Rights Action, Centre for Civic Education and LGBT Forum Progress warn Montenegrin public about the existence of an apparently organised… »

University of Montenegro as a mean of political settlements

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) states, with regret, that our predictions from the press release of 09/10/2012, regarding decisions of the Administration Board of the UoM, and the new Administration Board’s Chairman Duško Bjelica, are coming to their fullfilment and that under the alleged pretext of bringing order to the univirsities’ units the party dictatorship… »

Prosecutor sues you, prosecutor judges you

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today submitted to the Constitutional Court a Proposal for priority review of an Initiative for evaluation of the constitutionality of the Law on Misdemeanor that seeks to declare as unconstitutional the appointment of judges by the Government of Montenegro… Prosecutor sues you, prosecutor judges you – (pdf)