Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is hosting participants of the American Marshall Memorial Fellowship during their stay in Montenegro from 6 to 11 July 2012… CCE is again hosting American participants of Marshall Memorial Fellowship Program – (pdf)
Preparations for the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival 2012 started
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), organizer of the Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival and Mladen Vusurovic, director of the productiondistribution Ltd. Tricontinental from Cetinje and selector-director of the International Documentary Film Festival “Beldocs” have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, with the primary aim of establishing cooperation and development in the field transfer of experience,… »
NGO will closely monitor the implementation process of the reforms in areas that constitute the negotiation chapter 23
Upon theinitiative and in coordination of the Centre for Development of NGOs (CRNVO), a coalition of non-governmental organizations has been established in order to monitor the course of negotiations under Chapter 23. ?The long-term objective of the Coalition’s activities is to contribute to achieving a noticeable improvement in the lives of the citizens of Montenegro…… »
Burning the LGBT flag is a step back to the establishment of the tolerant climate in Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) strongly condemns burning of the rainbow flag – a symbol of the LGBT community, which was placed in front of building where the Ombudsman office is based and requires authorities to immediately identify and prosecute the perpetrators. We remind that the flag was posted last week to demonstrate a support… »
At the crossroads of decisions
Twentieth anniversary of crime against refugees without monument or memorial day
These days we will have a 20th anniversary of war crime of deportation of refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina that were illegally arrested and then deported from Montenegro in 1992. At least 66 refugees of Bosniac nationality were taken to hostile army of Bosnian Serbs in this way, and only 12 of the deported people… »
Seeds of democracy: Europe and Balkans, London
Within the Trans-European festival of cutlure, arts and politics, which takes place in 14 European cities, organized by the European Alternatives – London based organization, representatives of civil societyfrom Montenegro presented the political situation and the state of affairs within the NGO sector… Seeds of democracy: Europe and Balkans, London – (pdf)
Meeting of CCE, IA and CRNVO representatives with Philip Reeker
Today in Podgoria US Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Reeker met with the President of Board of InstituteAlternativa Stevo Muk, the executive director of the Centre for civic education, Daliborka Uljarevic and the executive director of the Center fordevelopment of NGOs, Ana Novakovic… Meeting of CCE, IA and CRNVO representatives with… »
Power over institutions
I have absolute political power. I will capture the institutions, and they’ll never be able to hold me accountable for any phase of my government”. This is no quote from Machiavelli’s “Prince”. It is the unwritten rule of governing in the Balkans, and we are all its victims. We should finally start changing them so… »
Grand prix for the video “We are part of the team”
The Centre of Civic Education (CCE) and LGBT Forum Progress are continuously working on enhancing knowledge and understanding of human rights in Montenegro, from various aspects. In that regard, one of the joint project was “U redu je biti drugačiji!” (It is OK to be different!), with the support of the Embassy of Canada… Grand… »