It’s OK to be different!

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with LGBT Forum Progress, and with the support of the Canadian Embassy, through the project “It’s OK to be different!”, began shooting of the first acting video clip in Montenegro that promotes LGBT rights. Symbolically, filming started on the Day of Remembrance for the victims of fascism and… »

Voting have to be available to public

Centre for Civic Education and Institute Alternative submitted the request to the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro to make public information on the vote of individual MPs in the public voting procedure at plenary sessions… Voting have to be available to public – (pdf)

Internships for students

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) believes that more extensive participation of students in non-formal education programmes during their studies is a key prerequisite for inclusion of future generations in the process of Montenegro’s Europeanization and democratization. Today, the competitive European market does not merely require a high grade average, but also familiarity with certain competences and… »

Screening of “Montenegrin Beauty”

The documentary “Montenegrin Beauty” by Danilo Marunovic, produced by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), will be presented at the XVI International TV Festival Bar 2011 in the Economics High School premises in Bar. “Montenegrin Beauty” has entered the official selection of the XVI International TV Festival Bar 2011 which is held from 26 until… »

Return to Ourselves

It is time to stopfighting the imaginary enemy, and fight the enemy in ourselves. Such victories could be a proof that we’re climbing out of the periphery – not the words which, but being shouted too loudly for too long, lost their credibility and power… Return to Ourselves – (pdf)

Instead of political, adopt the legal regulations

Centre for Civic Education today submitted, to the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Legislation of the Parliament of Montenegro, a proposal for amendments of the Amendment III by which the Parliament of Montenegro decides on the dismissal of the President of Montenegro, instead of the Constitutional Court, which is unknown in practice in the field… »

Europe in my town

Download the report of the public opinion research in nine municipalities in Montenegro, which was published today … Europeinmytown.pdf

Europe and me

Youth Group of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a competition for the best photo on the subject: EUROPE AND ME Europe and Me is a competition for the best photo that will in original manner present the presence of what young people in Montenegro recognize as European values, standards or heritage. Photo can… »

Systemic impunity of torturers

This difference in the treatment of Mirko Banović, a convicted bully, and Goran Stanković, the first police insider whistle-blower and a man who in a crucial moment demonstrated incredible civic courage, which any democratic police would reward, is the best measure of the effectiveness of the reforms in the police, and the willingness of law… »

Selective approach to justice is not the way to EU

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) believes the rule of law and effective judicial system to be the necessary conditions for Montenegro’s membership in the EU. The fulfilment of these conditions depends entirely on the political will to ensure independence and effectiveness of the judiciary. The new Law on Criminal Procedure brings us closer to international… »