Schooling just for the labour bureau

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses serious concern over the announced reduction in the percentage of participation in the financing of apprenticeship wages by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, from 80% to 60%. The consequences of this decision will have a negative impact on young educated people who should be the engine of… »

Advertisement: Democracy School – XVIII generation

CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of XVIII generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises 5 modules lasting totally four months. The courses will be held once or twice a week for two hours. All expenses are covered by the foundation Friedrich Ebert and Centre for Civic… »

What is the meaning of the free primary education in Montenegro?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) ask the Ministry of Education and Sports why the students of primary schools are not provided with free textbooks, as the Constitution clearly defines (“primary education is free of charge”), while a large number of parents in Montenegro do not have the resources to provide education to their children, although… »

Year of bad practice?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) reminds the public that a year ago (on 27 July 2010) the Parliament of Montenegro passed the Law on Amendments to the General Law on Education. That text introduced provision that 220 headmasters of elementary and secondary schools in Montenegro will be elected by the Minister of Education, which led… »

Legalised corruption?

There’s no doubt that many levers of this government have been shaken. Without a skilled, committed and comprehensive effort, however, this in itself will not make its own collapse… Legalised corruption? – (pdf)

What does NCEI and to whom is it responsible?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) estimates as irresponsible and unacceptable the behaviour of authorities that were addressed regarding submission of narrative and financial reports on the National Council for European Integration (NCEI). The process of collection of these seemingly simple data proved to be unusually slow, and also part of the collected information revealed concerning… »

Whom students should address to exercise their rights?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) warns that students of the Law Faculty (LF) at the University of Montenegro (UoM) can’t get information if they can exercise their rights guaranteed under the Statute of UoM,  as well as by Agreement on studying because they can’t get a diploma, and many can’t get even  the certificate of… »

Principles on sale

In the eve of the long time announced vote on granting or denying the support to the mayor Miomir Mugosa, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) considers as very important clarification of this whole debate in which there were various references to the principles, but the essence comes down to a mere to trade  with these…… »