Centre for Civic Education (CCE) condemns the demonstration of pressure on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly, exercised by the editorial board of the public broadcasting service RTCG over journalist Marko Milačić… RTCG must be open for diversities – (pdf)
Final spring of the student activism in Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes student protests at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšić that are pointing out to bad position of student population within Montenegrin society and calls all students to express their opinion without fear and prejudice which are already keeping passive for a long time this important social group… Final spring… »
NCEI must start to deliver results
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) considers that continuous and professional work is mandatory to all the bodies entitled to deal with European affairs. In that context, it is hard not to notice lack of activity of one of the bodies mapped as being amongst the most important – National Council for European Integration (NCEI), especially… »
University of Montenegro – lost in translation?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assess the visit of the European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso to Montenegro as one of the most important encouragements for the integration of Montenegro into the EU. However, CCE notes that this event showed that the University of Montenegro (UoM) is in a more and more inferior position in… »
April smarts
Our life under selective implementation of already flawed laws is being thoroughly ignored in the hope that the problems will go away on their own or with certain individuals. This hope is as naive as the April fool’s joke was real, cynically uncovering the brutality of our reality and the impotence of the laws and… »
Students day in Montenegro – a holiday followed by numerous questions
Youth Group of the Centre or Civic Education (YGCCE) congratulates the Fourth of April – Student Day to all students in Montenegro, and at the same time expresses its concern about the overall situation in higher education, which is not stimulating for improvement of knowledge and social activism of students… Students day in Montenegro –… »
Missed opportunity to rebuild integrity and reputation of the UCG
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses protest against the decision of the Managing Board of the University of Montenegro (UO UCG) to re-appoint the rector as UCG Predrag Miranovic. During the last three years, he has, with his non-interference into work, significantly influenced the collapse of the reputation of UCG. Today, UCG is recognized as… »
The prosecution must be liable for the fall of indictments
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) believes that the war crimes trials in Montenegro are being carried out slowly and reluctantly, thus creating the impression that it is forgotten what should be their main objectives – identifying the facts about the crimes, the perpetrators of the crimes and providing justice for victims. This impression seems to… »
Open letter of the group of NGOs to the Prime Minister of Montenegro dr Igor Luksic
After several discriminatory and homophobic statements inappropriate for a person in charge for human rights within the Government of Montenegro, we take this opportunity to once again remind you to seriously consider our suggestion to replace Minister for Human and Minority Rights with a person that will perform such responsible duties with full professional capacity…… »
The student ombudsman should be introduced in Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) after analysis of the state of affairs at the universities in Montenegro and several years of dealing with non-institutional education, has launched an initiative aiming to establish a University Ombudsman… The student ombudsman should be introduced in Montenegro – (pdf)