Centre for Civic Education (CCE) finds that the current Rector of the University of Montenegro Predrag Miranović, who is also the only candidate for a new rector, has not, during his term, achieved any concrete results in improving the quality of education and student standard at the University of Montenegro. Additionally, his term was marked… »
The beginning of changes at the Law faculty?
Why are irregularities at the University of Montenegro being tolerated?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) remains persistent in proving violations of the Ordinance on Procedure and Terms of Elections, the process of termination of office and dismissal of the Rector of the University of Montenegro, as well as the fact of discrepancies and disagreement of the basic text of the Statute with all subsequent amendments… »
Life vs fear
Fulfilment of european requests cannot be reduced to form
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has sent its suggestions concerning the reform of the judicial system in Montenegro, in the context of recommendations from the Opinion of the European Commission, to the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration of the Parliament of Montenegro. The suggestions were previously sent in written form to the Ministry… »
Statute of UCG wanted, the one who brings it gets a prize
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) reiterates that acts of the University of Montenegro (UCG) are not aligned and assesses the statement from UCG that the election of the Rector is in line with the legal framework as an attempt of manipulation with public… Statute of UCG wanted, the one who brings it gets a prize –… »
Until when are illegal actions going to be tolerated at the UoM?
The Centre for Civic Education has filed to the Educational Inspection a Request for the review of legality and compatibility of legal acts. The request refers to the legality and compatibility of the Rule book of the election procedures and deadlines, the procedure for the termination of the function and the dismissal of the University… »
Irregularities continue in the work of the work of University of Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) informs the public that the procedure of election for the Rector of the University of Montenegro is illegal, since the Ordinance that regulates it is not in accordance with the Statute of the University of Montenegro… Irregularities continue in the work of the work of University of Montenegro – (pdf)
European standards vs local tycoons: 1:0
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the decision of the Basic Court judge wherewith has relieved of liability a journalist of the daily “Vijesti” Slavko Radulović by complaint of the dean of Law Faculty Ranko Mujović and his assistant Bojana Lakićević. Bearing in mind the evidence presented during this trial, CCE calls the Prosecution to… »
Deconcentration of functions is the way towards democratisation
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) urges the Prime Minister Lukšić to resign as the President of the Council for Privatization and like that offer a concrete contribution to deconcentration of functions in order to enable the establishment of substantial control of that body… Deconcentration of functions is the way towards democratisation – (pdf)