Centre for Civic Education (CCE) strongly condemns the repeated threats that are addressed to the journalists of the daily “Vijesti” and demands immediate and concrete action of responsible authorities… The authorities should protect journalists – (pdf)
Less party influence is needed at the University of Montenegro, as well as the review of legal documents that enable the achievement of particular interests
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) draws attention of the public, based on the data analysis in which it had access, that there are grounds for suspicion that the President of the Governing Board of the University of Montenegro, Zoran Rašović, PhD, during the establishment of new procedures for election of rector, in the period from… »
Each failure must withdraw responsibility of authorities
Visible results
We should work on changing the dominant discourse, and start dealing with individual problems instead of the grand, often ungraspable issues which are perhaps important from the mythological or some other standpoint but which have no palpable consequences for the quality of our lives, but rather represent an obstacle to the democratic transformation of Montenegro…… »
A cycle of lectures on Herbert Marcuse
In the framework of the new educational programme Contemporary tendencies of critical thought CCE organises A cycle of lectures on Herbert Marcuse one of the members of the Frankfurt Institut for Social researches, philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist Moderator of the seminar will be Filip Kovačević, PhD Lectures and discussions will take place in the CCE premises, every… »
Education of students threatened because of dean Mujovic
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has information that the dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Montenegro Ranko Mujović with his actions and decisions continues to inflicts damage to this higher education institution and therefore to all its students… Education of students threatened because of dean Mujovic – (pdf)
Promising beginning of work of the Council for cooperation with non-governmental organisations
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the beginning of the work the Council for Cooperation between the Government and NGOs, which held its inaugural session on 25 January, 2011 assessing that this opens space for more effective communication between the two sectors… Promising beginning of work of the Council for cooperation with non-governmental organisations – (pdf)
Action plan should be seriously improved
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assess that the Action plan for monitoring the implementation of recommendations from the EC’s Opinion is the document that provides the basis for the fulfilment of seven conditions given by Brussels, identifies the necessary steps towards a faster democratization of society, as well as depoliticisation of institutions, but points out… »
Which right is more important: student’s right to education or dean’s rights to expel a student?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) informs employees and students of the University of Montenegro that, according to the response received from the Rector Predrag Miranović, the expulsion of a student of Law Faculty Koča Đurišić by the dean Ranko Mujović is “not valid”… Which right is more important: student’s right to education or dean’s rights… »
Advertisement: Democracy School – XVII generation
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of XVII generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises 5 modules lasting totally four months. The courses will be held once or twice a week for two hours. All expenses are covered by the foundation Friedrich… »