I’ll admit it, at his age I believed that the world is mine and that there are no limits. Surviving remnants of that conviction still make me get up every morning… Scars – (pdf)
Towards the European Union: through education against discrimination of LGBT population
Centre for Civic Education and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung are organising panel discussion on Towards the European Union: through education against discrimination of LGBT population Guests/panelists: – Aleksandar Sasa ZEKOVIC, researcher of human rights violation in Montenegro – Marijana LAKOVIC, Deputy Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms – Representative of the Ministry of Education and Science… »
Public funds and civil society sustainability
Centre for Civic Education and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung are organising panel discussion on PUBLIC FUNDS AND CIVIL SOCIETY SUSTAINABILITY Guests/panelists: – Dragan DROBNJAK, President of the Commission for Allocation of the Portion of Lottery Games – Branislav IVANOVIĆ, Secretary of the Commission for Allocation of the Portion of Lottery Games – Snežana KALUĐEROVIĆ, Legal Advisor… »
Reaction on Radan Nikolić’s press conference
With the regard to a yesterday’s held press conference, at which the president of the Association of War Veterans from 90s Radan Nikolic made a series of unfounded accusations related to the work of the Coalition for RECOM, of which he is a member, as well as the activities carried out in order to finally… »
Voice of the students mustn’t be ignored
Seven European Commands
It is hard to break the strong conformist chains, which lock up a significant number of people living here. Yet, breaking these chains is necessary and it has a healing effect. The question of whether this government can meet the seven conditions is a major one. If they could, and if they had the willingness… »
Law and order beyond their own ranks?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) invites Trade Union of Police Directorate to observe the Law on Free Access to Information and to provide the public with answers to questions related to the number and name of the police officers, whose costs of staying on the mountain or at sea in Montenegro were fully covered or… »
Allow the others in the Balkans
Centre for Civic Education and Robert Bosch Stiftung organise panel discussion Allow the others in the Balkans as conversation on the anthology of South East European writters „Others Next To Me“ Participants: – Balša Brković, writter and editor of culture in daily „Vijesti“, Podgorica – Prof. dr Milan Popović, professor at the Law Faculty of… »
Reaction by the members of the Coalition for RECOM in Montenegro
Members of the Coalition for RECOM (Regional Commission for establishing the facts about war crimes and other violations of human rights at the territory of former Yugoslavia in the period 1991-2001) in Montenegro express deep regret concerning the event that marked the first Regional consultations with the representatives of religious communities about initiative for RECOM…… »