A desperate man does not seek a culprit in the system, an institution, atmosphere or ideology, but in another man with a name and surname whom he can face alone with all his (mis)deeds. And this is why the limits are important, and the justification of crossing them is a call for continuing the spiral… »
The church respects human rights
Institutions are showing first weaknesses
State has to prove it’s stronger than certain families
Lessons finally learned
By verifying the appointments of members of the Council of national media public service of Radio and Television of Montenegro (RTCG), the Parliament of Montenegro went back to respecting the Law and the choice of the civil society. This is a very important progress which upholds the importance of the civil society and its role… »
Mythical and European times
Letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs
European Integration process should be open for everyone
Centre for Civic education (CCE) is again asking President of the Parliament Ranko Krivokapic to use his constitutionally and legally granted authority and to influence the formation of the National Council for European Integrations (NCEI) as soon as possible… European Integration process should be open for everyone – (pdf)
The process is difficult but necessary
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes publicly stated standpoint of the President of the Supreme Court Vesna Medenica that everyone who stimulated war developments at the territory of former Yugoslavia should take the responsibility, this including journalists… The process is difficult but necessary – (pdf)