Joint press release of Montenegrin and Croatian human rights organisations: Anima, Human Rights Action, Centre for Civic Education, Montenegro Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Documenta – Centre for Dealing with the past, Civic Committee for human Rights Zagreb, Centre for Peace and Non-violence Osijek… On the announcement of the agreement between Croatia and Montenegro on… »
Announcement of positive changes in the work of Commission
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes certain actions in the direction of transparency of the work of the Commission for allocation of portion of the lottery games income, during this year’s allocation of means, assessing that it is addressed in more serious and strict manner… Announcement of positive changes in the work of Commission –… »
Advertisement for participants of X generation of European Integration School
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Centre for development of non-governmental organisations (CDNGOs) and European movement in Montenegro (EMiM) with the support of Foundation Open Society Institute- Office in Montenegro (FOSI ROM), are publicizing an ADVERTISEMENT for participants of the X generation of the EUROPEAN INTEGRATION SCHOOL School is composed of 8 modules totally lasting four… »
Crime Scene
Advertisement for participants of XVI generation of Democracy School
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of XVI generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL – school for learning democracy from theory to practice – School comprises 5 modules lasting totally four months. The courses will be held once or twice a week for 2 hours. All expenses are covered by the foundation Friedrich… »
Dialogue for Europe
Conscience on sedatives
The beginning of change will come when everybody leaves their own shadow, shakes off the humbleness and purges self-deception, when we face the populist ideology and wake up as individuals ready for concrete action and a life worthy of a human being. What are the clamps that keep you from going, not waiting for others,… »
French internal and foreign policy and its relation to the EU integration
Centre for Civic Education and German Marshall Fund of the US are organising LECTURE on FRENCH INTERNAL AND FOREIGN POLICY AND ITS RELATION TO THE EU INTEGRATION PROCESS Guest: Francois LAFOND, Head of Paris Office of the German Marshall Fund of the US Lecture and discussion moderator will be Daliborka Uljarevic, executive director of the… »
Fast Forward
What is it in our air that breeds such resignation and sense of impotence? What is it that makes some fantastic people in this country to speak these self-limiting words? What is it that makes us think that we should give up, pack and leave? Why are we not celebrating the genuine, small successes like… »
Marking of deportation of Bosnian-Herzegovinian refugees from Montenegro in 1992.
Dear all, This May we will mark one more anniversary of the deportation of Bosnian-Herzegovinian refugees from Montenegro in 1992. On 27 May it will be exactly eighteen years since one of the buses of refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina, then arrested in Montenegro, was sent from Herceg-Novi to Republika Srpska in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where soon… »