Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on the occasion of 15 September, the International Day of Democracy, encourages all citizens of Montenegro to use their constitutionally and legally guaranteed rights to the greater extent… Democracy does not live here – (pdf)
The education system under control of the party
Advertisement for participants of IX generation of European Integration School
Centre for Civic Education, Centre for development of non-governmental organisations and European movement in Montenegro with the support of Foundation Open Society Institute- Office in Montenegro, are publicizing an ADVERTISEMENT for participants of the IX generation of the SCHOOL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION School of European Integrations is composed of 9 modules totally lasting four months,… »
Advertisement for participants of VII Young Leadership School
Centre for Civic Education publicizes an ADVERTISEMENT for VII generation of YOUNG LEADERSHIP SCHOOL The school will be lasting three months. The courses will be held once a week for 2 hours. All related expenses are covered by the CCE, with obligation of the participant to attend not less than 80% of the programme.
Advertisement for participants of VI and VII generation of the Human Rights and Minority Rights School
Centre for Civic Education is publishing an ADVERTISMENT for VI and VII generation of the HUMAN RIGHTS AND MINORITY RIGHTS SCHOOL school for learning human rights from theory to practice School comprises 4 modules lasting totally five months. The courses will be held twice a week for 2 hours. All expenses are covered by the… »
Advertisement for participants of XIV generation of Democracy School
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of XIV generation of DEMOCRACY SCHOOL School comprises 5 modules lasting totally four months. The courses will be held once or twice a week for 2 hours. All expenses are covered by the foundation Friedrich Ebert and Centre for Civic Education, with obligation of the… »
A desperate man does not seek a culprit in the system, an institution, atmosphere or ideology, but in another man with a name and surname whom he can face alone with all his (mis)deeds. And this is why the limits are important, and the justification of crossing them is a call for continuing the spiral… »