Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is advocating, for years, opening of the facing with past process in Montenegro in an effective manner in order to reinforce regional cooperation and consequently the success of European integration… Future can not be build through denial of the past – (pdf)
Commission for investigating the role of journalists must be formed
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is urging Prosecutor’s Office to focus on the issue of the responsibility of journalist who, during the 90s, zealously promoted hate speech, which had a significant influence on the form and engagement of Montenegro in the war events at the territory of former SFRY in this period… Commission for investigating… »
Withdrawal from the position does not abolish from responsibility
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls all authorities in charge to examine the role and responsibility of Milan Radovic related to his work in the capacity of Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, which he performed until recently… Withdrawal from the position does not abolish from responsibility – (pdf)
The Supreme State prosecutor should not ignore the law
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) for months can’t get any information from the Supreme State Prosecutor Ranka Čarapić, about certain aspects of the activities of the activities of the Prosecutor’s Office. With regret we must conclude that this institution does not respect the existing legal framework by which the information should be made public… The… »
Despite resistance steps forward have been made
Centre for monitoring (CEMI) and Centre for civic education (CGO) hereby wish to praise and support the Ministry of Education and Science for creating the Action plan for combating corruption in the field of education, which envisages measures to be undertaken from 01 June 2009 until 31 December 2012… Despite resistance steps forward have been… »
Move from words to deeds
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assess that Montenegro is facing a great challenge in the process of preparation for answers at the the long expected European Commission Questionnaire. Bearing in mind the experiences of others who have already passed through this process, it is crucially important to have actors of the political and social life… »
Parliament to respect legal framework
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Ranko Krivokapic – as the chairman of the fundamental institution of the system – representative body of citizens – to respect acts that are defining his mandate and consequently to apply the Constitution and legally prescribed authority, thus to supervise the organization… »
Responsibility for allocation of means to be identified
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) considers that the recently concluded open competition for allocation of the part of the income from lottery games has not fulfilled proscribed legal acts, which opens the issue of possible abuse and illegal use of these means… Responsibility for allocation of means to be identified – (pdf)
Not to oblivion
Step forward
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to finally act in accordance with the provisions of the Law on free access to information regarding the letter of CCE, which was related to the availability of data on the diplomatic and official passports… Step forward – (pdf)