Why are diplomatic passports hidden?

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) continuously makes efforts towards enhancement of the level of transparency of information from all the spheres of the society, contributing to establishment of the responsible government… Why are diplomatic passports hidden? – (pdf)

After Tito, a tito?

For the beginning, every one of us should first decide what kind of life we want: as subjects or as citizens – a life in which we will talk fearfully about all deviations our society is rife with, waiting for somebody else to “do the job” for us, or a life in which we will… »

Transparency in everyone’s interest

Centre for civic education (CCE) continuously makes efforts directed to increase of the transparency level of the University of Montenegro as well as the credibility of this high educational institution, thus contributing the fight against corruption in this area… Transparency in everyone’s interest – (pdf)

With knowledge against corruption in education

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Center for Monitoring (CEMI) welcome the signing of an agreement between the representatives of the Directorate for Anti-Corruption Initiative and the Faculty of Political Sciences (FPN), assessing it to be another visible result of the CCE and CEMI joint project “Corruption in Education.”… With knowledge against corruption in education… »

Advertisement for participants of V and VI Young Leadership School

Centre for Civic Education publicizes an ADVERTISEMENT for V and VI generation of YOUNG LEADERSHIP SCHOOL The school will be lasting totally three months. The courses will be held once a week for 2 hours. All related expenses are covered by the Centre for Civic Education, with obligation of the participants to attend not less… »

When are those with titles afraid of knowledge

If you grease the palms, you will slip. If you look for shortcuts, you will lose your way. If you cheat, you will be outsmarted. If you think you can buy everything, than nothing will seem worth to you. If you do not have honour, all education is in vain. If you don’t have the… »

Promotion of the novel Oklop

Centre for Civic Education and daily “Vijesti”, Organiz: PROMOTION of the novel OKLOP At the promotion, author dr Milan Popovic will speak as well as the representatives of organizers and literary critics. Panel will be held on Tuesday, 24 March 2009 from 19h00, in the Hall of the Centre for Civic Education, Njegoševa 36/I. Due… »

Fight against corruption in education requires overall support

We fully support and praise all efforts of the current Minister of education and his assistants who have managed to stop illegal practice of collecting money from children in primary schools that has been going on for years and even decades… Fight against corruption in education requires overall support – (pdf)

NGO statement on the initiative for compensation of the victims

We support the initiative for achieving a settlement in court cases for compensation of the families of victims of war crimes against Albanian civilians in Kaludjerski laz, as well as for providing reparation for all other victims of war crimes for which there is an objective liability of the state of Montenegro, considering that it… »

Eyes wide shut or wide open

The choice of and responsibility for the way in which we continue – with eyes wide shut or wide open – is up to each one of us individually. Let us each decide how to use this great power according to our own conscience… Eyes wide shut or wide open – (pdf)