Perspectives of development of EU

Guest/panelist: Mr Henrik H. Kroner, Secretary General of the International European Movement, Brussels Forum will be held on Friday 12 May 2006 at 18h00, in Room No. IV (building of the Law Faculty, II floor – Faculty of Political Sciences). The consecutive translation is provided.

Montenegrin inter-sector delegation soon in Brussels

Centre for Civic Education, Centre for Development of non-governmental organisations and European Movement in Montenegro with the support of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Serbia and Montenegro, published an announcement on 25 April 2006, regarding a study visit to EU, within the “Learn about EU personally” project. The earnestness of the wish of Montenegrin citizens… »

Study visit to the EU

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Centre for Development of non-governmental organisations (CDNGO) and European Movement in Montenegro (EMiM) with the support of Royal Norwegian Embassy in Serbia and Montenegro, are publicizing an ADVERTISEMENT for the participation at the STUDY VISIT TO THE EU The study visit is a part of the programme „Learn about the… »

VI Competition in oratory

ELSA and Centre for Civic Education in cooperation with Law Faculty organise VI Competition in ORATORY Topics are open and deadline for sending the applications for the competition is 7 April, 2006 The competition will take place on 10 April 2006 at the Law Faculty in Podgorica, starting from 18h. For the best participants, there… »

School of European Integrations IV generation and Regional School of European Integrations for the north of Montenegro I generation

CCE, CDNGO and EMiM with the support of FOSI ROM, are publicizing an advertisement for IV generation of School of European Integrations and I generation of Regional School of European Integrations for the north of Montenegro School of European Integrations is composed of 7 modules totally lasting four months, and it comprises a wide spectrum… »

Joint Declaration on the Conditions for Further Democratization of Montenegro

Representatives of the nongovernmental organizations from Montenegro that take an active part in the development of democracy, civil society, human, minority and women’s rights, rule of law, elimination of all forms of discrimination, preservation of the values of multiethnic and multicultural society, education, promotion of European standards, development of environmental awareness,