Centre for Civic Education, Centre for development of non-governmental organisations and European movement in Montenegro with the support of Foundation Open Society Institute – Office in Montenegro, are publicizing an ADVERTISEMENT for participants of the VI generation of the: SCHOOL OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATIONS and the participants of the III generation of the REGIONAL SCHOOL OF… »
Advertisement for participants of X generation of Democracy school
CCE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of X generation of: DEMOCRACY SCHOOL School comprises 5 modules lasting totally four months. The courses will be held once or twice a week for 2 hours. All expenses are covered by the foundation Friedrich Ebert and Centre for Civic Education, with obligation of the… »
Painful facing with the reality
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) believes that the announced change in the method of collecting subscriptions for RTCG, byeconomic enterprises Telekom, is logical and every even remotely well intentionally and capable leadership of this house could a long time ago anticipate it and timely respond… Painful facing with the reality – (pdf)
Protection of journalistic sources fundamental to the freedom of the media
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Centre for Development of Non-Governmental Organisations (CDNGO) strongly condemn the attempt on the part of the NSA (National Security Agency) to try and pressure journalists of the daily “Vijesti” during interrogation to reveal their sources of information concerning excerpts from the NSA report which have been published by this… »
Letter to the IO RTCG
Representatives of non-governmental organisations in Montenegro who nominated Goran Djurovic for a member of the Broadcasting Council of RTCG addressed an appeal to the international organisations and diplomatic representatives in order to draw their attention to the repeated violation of the Law on PBS RTCG by the ruling coalition in the Constitutional Assembly of Montenegro.… »
Will the new MB help RTCG to become a genuine public service
On the eve of the 54th session of the RTM Council which is to be held on Monday, 30 July 2007, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) urges the members of the Council to finally stand up for the public interest, thus contributing to the transformation of RTCG into a public service… Will the new MB… »
Public institutions in Montenegro against human rigthts
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses concern about the ever more frequent examples of unprofessional conduct of the police and numerous instances of human rights’ violations in Montenegro under direct supervision of public institutions… Public institutions in Montenegro against human rigthts – (pdf)