President of Council must be acquainted with the Law

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses concern and confusion about Branislav Calic’s public appearance, in which, in nearly ten days, he gives completely opposite opinions on decision making capacity of RTCG Council considering media rules in upcoming presidential elections… President of Council must be acquainted with the Law – (pdf)

The rule of Law does not live in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses its concern about the frequent examples which continuously indicate that respecting the law in Montenegro is a matter of voluntarily decision, political interest or personal interests of ruling coalition rather than an imperative on which society based on the rule of the law can be built… The rule of… »

President of the Parliament and SDP lost in time

CCE is not debating against SDP but attains the President of the Parliament, regardless of how the communications are signed. The connections between the two are not a matter for CCE as an NGO to analyse or comment, but we regretfully conclude that in Montenegro there is no clear dividing line between institutions and the… »

Krivokapic to cease the fire

CCE is shocked by the incessant insults and slanders that have been heaped upon this organisation by Ranko Krivokapic and the interest group surrounding him. We believe that such behaviour is a grave threat to the environment in which the Montenegrin civil sector operates… Krivokapic to cease the fire – (pdf)

Are CoE, OSCE and EU “illegal party structures of MfC” as well?

After disputes with NGO sector, Ranko Krivokapic decided to argue with OSCE, Council of Europe and EU who all agree with standpoints of non-governmental organisations. In that adverse practice of fighting with the world (domestic and international) Goran Matic would be of better use than Mirko Stanic… Are CoE, OSCE and EU “illegal party structures… »

Ensure respect for the Law

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the involvement of international organizations in lifting the blockade over the RTCG Council… Ensure respect for the Law – (pdf)

Advertisement for participants of XI generation of Democracy School

CE and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung publicise AN ADVERTISEMENT for participants of XI generation of: DEMOCRACY SCHOOL School comprises 5 modules lasting totally four months. The courses will be held once or twice a week for 2 hours. All expenses are covered by the foundation Friedrich Ebert and Centre for Civic Education, with obligation of the… »