CCE announces the urgent call for 17 new associates

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) wants to share its vision of Montenegro as democratic society of responsible citizens with you!

If you are young, knowledgeable, skilled, daring,
You should be actors, by no means passive observers!
Join us in changing and improving the environment that we live in,
Join us in creating a society of equal opportunities!

CCE announces the urgent call for 17 new associates:

  • 6 associates in the Democracy programme (sub-programmes: Media and Democracy, Responsibility and Transparency of Authorities, Political memory, Corruption in education)
  • 4 associates in the European Integration programme (sub-programmes: European Pulse, Montenegro on the way to the EU)
  • 3 associates in the Human and Minority Rights programme (sub-programmes: Transitional justice, Public Advocacy)
  • 3 associates in the Active citizenship programme(sub-programmes: Corruption in education, Citizens matter)
  • 1 associate charged with web design and updating of the CCE web site

Requirements: university degree (not mandatory for all positions), active knowledge of the English language (not mandatory for all positions), computer literacy, ability of both independent and team work, capability of working under pressure and tight deadlines, accuracy, punctuality, precision, sense of responsibility and initiative, dynamic approach and dedication to work.

Advantage will be given to candidates experienced in social activism. All accepted associates will undergo a one month probationary period prior to the start of their contract.

Applications with CVs should be sent to by 5 pm on 10 February. Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. More information on CCE could be found at