Delegation of German SPD paid a visit to CCE

Executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) Daliborka Uljarević, along with her associates – Boris Marić, senior legal advisor and Ana Vujošević¸ European integration programme coordinator, today met with the delegation of twelve members of Social democratic party of Germany (SDP), led by Josip Juratović and Martin Roseman¸ members of Bundestag. Along with them was also Frederick Brutting, mayor of Heubach, as well as number of associates.


Topics of the discussion related to the process of European integration of Montenegro and the efficiency of process of reforms conducted along the way, and members of the delegation were particularly interested in the support which Montenegro expects from EU and Germany. Emphasis was placed on the current social-political situation, as well as on specific issues such as the corruption, role of the NGO sector in the Europeanization of the country and the challenges which NGOs in Montenegro face, position of local self-governments in the democratisation of society and the position of minority communities.

Svetlana Pešić, programme associate