At the request of numerous citizens who contacted the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) yesterday and today, we publish in a concise form the documentation sent to the competent authorities to initiate proceedings against Aleksandar Andrija Pejovic.
Enclosed evidence:
- Excerpt from the Constitution of Montenegro
- Decision of the Ministry of European Affairs UPI no. 03/1 -108/2 from 28/12/2017, in response to the Free Access to Information Request filed by the CCE on 19 December 2017, which contains accompanying Decision of the Parliament of Montenegro on determining the basic earnings of the Minister of European Affairs Aleksandar Andrija Pejović; payment sheets from January to November 2017; an extract of payment of rent by MEA for apartment of Aleksandar Andrija Pejović from February to June 2017; phone bills for the mobile phone used by Aleksandar Andrija Pejović and paid by MEA;
- Solution on Special Benefits in addition to a Fixed Part of Salary of Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, no 03/3-831 from 5 May 2017, signed by the president of the Government Duško Marković based on the Decision on Establishing the Structure for Negotiations on Montenegro’s Accession to the European Union and the Decree on Special Benefits to Fixed Part of Salary, Special Fees and Other Incomes during Work in the Diplomatic-Consular Representative Offices; additional financial statement on incomes based on this Decision; Conclusion of the Government of Montenegro on the Decision Amending the Decision on Establishing the Structure for Negotiations on Montenegro’s Accession to the European Union from 10 March 2017, with the proposal of the mentioned document reviewed at the Government session held on 2 March 2017, and the final Decision (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no 9/19, 15/14 and 19/17); Decree on Special Benefits to Fixed Part of Salary, Special Fees and Other Incomes during Work in the Diplomatic-Consular Representative Offices (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no 55/13, 55/14, 32/16, 47/16, 5/17, 7/17); statement of assests of Aleksandar Andrija Pejović;
- Excerpt from the interview of Aleksandar Andrija Pejović in the TV show „Direktno“, broadcasted on TV Vijesti, on 21 January 2018, in which he, as the only advantage of the Ambassador’s position, states that it allows him to stay in the Shengen zone in the extent necessary for him and to enter the country as a diplomat, although the diplomatic passport of all ministers and many others in Montenegro allows the same privileges which Pejović tells publicly and where he does not mention his additional income on the basis of this duty. In this show, he is misleading the public stating that a similar principle existed in Croatia and that it still exists in Serbia which is incorrect because in neither one of these countries a Chief negotiator was the ambassador at the same time.
- Official letter of the Anti-Corruption Agency, no 02-01-2832/2 from 1 November 2017, as a response to the CCE’s request to explain particular norms of the Anti-Corruption Law; Decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs UPI 0504-73/2 from 14 November 2017 with list of all ambassadors MFA has in its register, more precisely of all persons that have that status in accordance with Montenegrin legislation, where Aleksandar Andrija Pejović is listed, which makes it clear that MFA operates in accordance with the Law on Foreign Affairs, and it keeps records in accordance with this law;
- Excerpt from the Foreign Affairs Law, with provisions prescribing rights and obligations of diplomats and other employees of the Ministry or in the diplomatic-consular representative offices, taking into consideration that Pejović has a status of a diplomat, and receives second salary on the basis of his work in the diplomatic-consular representation;
- Excerpts from the website of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) where it can be evidenced that Aleksandar Andrija Pejović is a member of the Main Board (under number 153), as well as official press releases of this party where it is clearly stated that Pejović is the President of the Commission for International Cooperation, European and Euro-Atlantic integrations.