Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls upon the Agency for Prevention of Corruption (APC) to make final decisions on all cases about MPs on whose violation of the law the CCE indicated through the Initiative sent to the APC almost 30 months ago, as they did not report correct, complete and precise data in the… »
October 2020
Agency for Personal Protection Data confirmed the CCE’s position that the SEC violates the law
Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information (AZLP), acting on the initiative submitted by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), issued a decision assessing that the State Election Commission (SEC), contrary to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law assigned the tasks of processing signatures of support to the employees of… »
Competent authorities to investigate the regularity of the Ministry of Science’s call
The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) sent an initiative to the Inspection Affairs Administration for initiating the supervision procedure in the Ministry of Science of Montenegro, and investigating eventual irregularities in the context of the Ministry of Science’s Call for this year. Also, complaints are sent to the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free… »
Call for interns
When the political elite underestimate citizens – Parliamentary elections in Montenegro
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) published an analysis ’When the political elite underestimates the citizens – Parliamentary elections in Montenegro’,which gives a post-election insight into findings of the public opinion research on series of socio-political issues conducted before the elections, which had a reflection on the election offers but… »
Professional staff with integrity has to be in the Judicial Council
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) requests from the new convocation of the Parliament to address the election of members of the Judicial Council, who should be choosen among the prominent attorneys, in a responsible manner. In that context, the CCE calls upon the President of the Parliament, Aleksa Bečić, to put on agenda the Proposal… »
Pandora’s box of SEC and blind eye of the Agency for Personal Protection Data
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) received from the State Election Commission (SEC), in line with the Free Access to Information Law, service contracts that the SEC signed with employees of the Parliament of Montenegro, and these undoubtedly open a new affair related to the work of this institution. Temporary service contracts were concluded with 10… »
Montenegrin media did not report neutrally and objectively during the election campaign
Teacher Višnjić should no longer be in the formal education system
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) strongly condemns and calls on the competent authorities to react urgently due to the incident in which the abuse of the authority of one teacher endangered human rights, as well as the health of pupils of the elementary school “Yugoslavia” in Bar. Teacher Visnjic, through a Viber group, which was… »
Political elites have a duty to sanction every type of violence
On the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence – 2 October, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls for all social actors to use their influence to protect the culture of cohabitation, peace and dialogue. The events of the last months have increased pressure in society. More than half a year of pandemics,… »