My European story

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About publication

The first idea of the ILEAC - Intergenerational Learning for a European Active Citizenship project dates back between the end of 2012 and the beginning of 2013, and it arose from some notes taken at a refresher course. The starting point was simple and, maybe, not so innovative. We decided in fact to design a transnational path, that could make two different worlds meet and cooperate. On one side, people who saw all the great steps of the European integration; on the other, people born or living in a Europe already united, with no borders and only one currency. In our idea, bringing together those two categories would have reinforced the sense of European citizenship and made more understandable the impact of Eu in the everyday life of citizens. The initial idea has developed through 2013, a crucial year for the European institutions. A decision of the European Parliament and of the European Council declared in fact 2013 the “European Year of Citizens”. An initiative that celebrated the twentieth anniversary of the Treaty of Maastricht.

After the development of the project basic structure, the Centre of Initiative for Europe started working on the partnership, involving the European Association for the Education of the Adults (EAEA), a European NGO that includes 123 organisations coming from 42 different states, all working in the adult education sector. The C.I.E. brought its experience in the organisation of information activities as well as training sessions on European citizens and rights, while EAEA provided a selection of interested partners and developed an effective dissemination plan.

This booklet has been developed in the framework of the ILEAC (Intergenerational Learning for an European Active Citizenship) project, cofunded by the Europe for Citizens Programme 2007-2013 of the European Commission (Decision No 2013 - 2315 / 001 - 001).