Regional Policy Brief: “Youth Participation More Than A Catchword?

About publication

Publishing year: 2014.

In order to improve the overall postition in the political and social system, the umbrella youth organizations, their members and interested stakeholders from countries in the region, gathered in the framwork of the project "Youth participation - More Than a Catchword?" to recognize the importance of youth involment in 2015 Nation Youth Report drafting process, express an interest to bi involved in this process on an equal level and within the partnerships of youth and adults and representatives of governmental an non-governmental sectors, and to create evidence - based and needs - based policies. In the previous cycle of preparing 2012 Nationa Youth Report, among YOUPA project countries only Slovenia (as an EU member), and Croatia and Montenegro (as EU candidate countries) participated in this process. Serbia and Macedonia will participate in 2015 for the first time.

The goal of this policy brief is to advocate among decision makers the involment of young people in 2015 National Youth Report drafting process in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Montenegro.