Mothers of Srebrenica will receive Annual award for contributions in the fight for democracy and human rights

Within Sarajevo Plenum, organized by Regional Academy for Democracy Development (ADD) from Novi Sad, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) from Podgorica and Faculty of Political Sciences University of Sarajevo (FPS US), the annual Award for contributions in the fight for democracy and human rights will be granted today to the association Mothers of Srebrenica.

This award is a recognition of the tireless dedication of Mothers of Srebrenica in their fight for justice, truth and human rights. Their contribution to fostering a culture of remembrance, facing the past and providing support to survivors and their families is priceless. We particularly want to highlight their key role in the international advocacy for the adoption of the United Nations Resolution on the remembrance of the genocide of Bosniaks in Srebrenica, which significantly contributed to the global recognition and condemnation of this heinous crime, according to the award’s explanation.

ADD, CCE and FPS assess that the fight of Mothers of Srebrenica for justice and truth has not only empowered survivors and the families of victims but has also provided the entire international community with an example of courage and dedication to human rights. It is also emphasized that their efforts continually remind the world of the importance of facing the past in order to collectively build a better future.

The award ceremony will take place on the second day of the Sarajevo Plenum Quo Vadis, Balkan?, one of the most significant regional initiatives gathering prominent civil society organizations, experts and activists dedicated to democracy, reconciliation and regional cooperation.

Sarajevo Plenum was officially opened yesterday afternoon at the Faculty of Political Sciences by Prof. Dr. Sead Turčalo, Dean of FPNUS, Balša Božović, Executive Director of ADD, Daliborka Uljarević, Executive Director of CCE, and Aleksandra Tomanić, Executive Director of European Fund for the Balkans (EFB), which supported this edition of the plenum.

Maja Marinović, Programme Associate