Civic values and the region – how far have we come?

The seventh, final panel at the Sarajevo Plenum was dedicated to civic values ​​in the region. Director Andro Martinović, from CANU from Montenegro, historian Dr. Hrvoje Klasić from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Zagreb, Sofija Mandić from CEPRIS from Serbia and Dr. Nerzuk Ćurak, professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of… »

EU and Integration Models – where is the enlargement policy heading

On the third day of the Sarajevo Plenum a panel dedicated to the European Union and various integration models was held, featuring presentations by Aurelie Valtat, Head of the Department for European Integration, Policy, and Information at the EU Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Dr. Nedžma Džananović, Professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of… »

Mothers of Srebrenica will receive Annual award for contributions in the fight for democracy and human rights

Within Sarajevo Plenum, organized by Regional Academy for Democracy Development (ADD) from Novi Sad, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) from Podgorica and Faculty of Political Sciences University of Sarajevo (FPS US), the annual Award for contributions in the fight for democracy and human rights will be granted today to the association Mothers of Srebrenica. This… »

Why is the status of civilian war victims still unregulated?!

Five non-governmental organizations sent a request yesterday to the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Naida Nišić, to inform the public about the reasons for her department’s already three-month delay in the preparation of the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Veterans and Disability Protection. Prime Minister Milojko Spajić and Deputy Prime Minister… »

Protest against the Film Centre of Montenegro for avoiding supporting projects dealing with facing the past

Five non-governmental organizations sent a protest letter yesterday to the director of the Film Centre of Montenegro (FCCG) – Aleksandra Božović, and the president of the FCCG Council – Edin Jašarović, demanding an explanation for why they did not support the project The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent, directed by Nemanja Slijepčević, winner of… »