Jakšić Stojanović should remain as Minister of Education

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Human Rights Action (HRA) support the petition by the Educational Community urging that Minister of Education, Anđela Jakšić Stojanović, remain in her position, contrary to the proposed government reconstruction that would allocate this ministry to the New Serbian Democracy.

Minister Jakšić Stojanović has demonstrated a commitment to the principles and values of a civic society, which should be a prerequisite for any government participation, especially for the Minister of Education. The future sovereignty and civic nature of Montenegro, the ability of future generations to respect and embrace the diversity of our and the world’s population, to respect human rights, and to advance democracy in Montenegro directly depend on the Ministry of Education.

Political changes should not disrupt the education sector, especially now when we finally have a minister who has shown in practice, through dedication and results, that she did not assume this position for power, but out of a genuine desire to contribute to the improvement of the educational process in the country.

HRA and CCE recognize that Jakšić Stojanović has shown that even in seven months, improvements in the educational process can begin, problems can be adequately addressed, and any movement from a “standstill” concerning some challenges is progress, and much-needed progress in the education sector.

CCE and HRA strongly oppose Prime Minister Spajić’s decision to allocate the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sports to the New Serbian Democracy (NSD), given that it is a party that fosters retrograde policies, nationalist ideology, and promotes negative historical revisionism.

Jakšić Stojanović has succeeded to position herself as someone who understands what she is getting into, is not afraid to take responsibility for the previously significantly degraded institution of the Ministry, and has the energy to continue improving the functioning of this body. In this, she has substantial support from the educational community and other interested actors from the social and political spheres, which Prime Minister Milojko Spajić should seriously consider and prioritize public interest over party trading.

CCE and HRA believe that Jakšić Stojanović in her work maintains and advances the principles and values of a civic society, which should be the foundation of further recovery and development of the education system, especially in a society with pronounced politically coloured revisionist waves and the threat of radical policies becoming an integral part of education.