Public Call for training on the application of the Free Access to Information Law on for representatives of local governments

Centre for Civic Education (CCE)

announces a


for training on the application of the Free Access to Information Law on for representatives of local governments

The goal of this training is to further empower representatives of local governments in the application of the Free Access to Information Law, as well as to better address the challenges they face in this area of their responsibilities and obligations in their daily work.

Three two-day trainings will be organized for a total of 50 representatives of local governments from all municipalities in Montenegro according to the following schedule:

  • 9 – 10 September 2024, for the Northern region;
  • 24 – 25 September 2024, for the Central region;
  • 8 – 9 October 2024, for the Southern region.

During the training, participants will have the opportunity to acquire new or enhance their existing knowledge regarding the application of the Free Acess to Information Law, with a special focus on website management and data publication. The training will be a combination of basic and advanced levels of knowledge and will cover the entire cycle of the institute of free access to information, including relevant legislation, procedures, and standards, as well as best practices regarding proactive data publication, enabling them to apply the most effective strategies in their work.

Through interactive lectures, workshops, and case studies, participants will have the opportunity to gain practical skills for efficiently and correctly handling requests for free access to information and to develop capacities for transparent and accountable management in this area. The training will also allow for the exchange of experiences and knowledge among participants, which will further enrich their understanding.

The application deadlines are 5 September (for the Northern region), 18 September (for the Central region), and 2 October (for the Southern region).

Applications should be submitted electronically to

The training is part of the project “Transparent Institutions – Informed Citizenship,” which the CCE is implementing with financial support from the Ministry of Public Administration.