Completed training for journalists in developing techniques of reporting on human rights violation cases in Montenegro

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), in cooperation with Civic Initiatives (GI), within the framework of implementation of the “Fast Forward Human Rights” project, supported by the EU Delegation to Montenegro organized, from 9 to 11 January 2015, training for journalists in developing techniques of reporting on human rights violation cases in Montenegro.

The aim of the training was to familiarize young journalists with the existing legal and institutional framework concerning human rights in Montenegro, commitments undertaken in the context of European integration process, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, as well as with the procedures, mechanisms and instruments to monitor human rights violation cases in Montenegro and media reporting on them.

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The lecturers were experts in the field of human rights and media, as well as representatives of the organizations and individuals whose rights are violated and who, through personal examples, highlighted the way in which these issues are treated within the Montenegrin society. Journalists, from the redaction of daily newspapers “Vijesti”, “Pobjeda” and “Dan” and the student radio “Krš”, who have successfully completed training will be awarded with the certificates at the final conference of the project Fast Forward Human Rights.

The Project Fast Forward Human Rights, within which this training for journalists was conducted, aims to strengthen the role of civil society in promoting human rights and democratic reforms in Montenegro, as well as to support the peaceful conciliation of group interests and in consolidating political participation and representation of citizens. The specific objective of the project is to improve monitoring and protection of human rights in Montenegro through increased and active participation of civil society organizations.

Svetlana Pešić, programme associate