Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and History Teachers Association of Montenegro (HIPMONT) announce
for participation in the competition
The object of the competition is a paper that presents examples of good practice on the theme Wealth of diversity – Cultural history of minorities in Montenegro. The work must be applicable in teaching and harmonized with the objectives of the curriculum, with the accompanying positive effect on the process of teaching and learning.
The competition is open for all history teachers, teachers of civic education and group of humanities and social science subjects of primary and secondary schools from the territory of Montenegro.
Conditions of the competition:
- Topics may cover history, culture or cultural heritage of minority nations and other minority national communities in Montenegro;
- The paper should present one teaching unit (preparation or scenario of the class) in the field of history and history of the cultural heritage of minority nations and other minority national communities in Montenegro;
- The presented teaching unit must be harmonized with the current curriculum and realized during one, maximum of two school classes;
- The paper can be the copyrighted work of one teacher or a group of teachers in the case of interdisciplinary application;
- One teacher can submit up to three papers individually or as a team member. Papers that have already participated in any competition for teachers (organized by other legal entities) shall not be considered.
The paper should contain:
- defined goals of the session;
- results of pupils` accomplishments;
- methods, techniques and operating modes;
- teaching theme within which the unit is addressed;
- the age of pupils to which the workshop is intended (grade of primary or secondary school);
- in addition to the presentation of the course of the teaching unit and realized activities, the list of the used literature, sources, multimedia educational material in digital form (photos, audio and video records, films, etc.) in the form of links need to be attached;
- used materials could also be papers of other authors, if that does not violate the copyrights, and if the works are used as teaching means. If the material is the work of the other author, the name of the author and the source from which it is taken must be cited.
The content of the teaching unit and the presentation of the realized activities should be in electronic form (MS Word or PDF), and the size of the document should not exceed 15 MB.
The text of the paper should be formatted in 12pt Times New Roman, on A4-size paper, portrait orientation and the length of the paper should be up to 10 pages (including illustrations, photographs, charts and other pictorial content).
The evaluation of works
- The evaluation commission is composed of the editorial team of the CCE and HIPMONT. Selection, as well as ranking, are based on the following criteria:
- the example of good practice in the application of innovative teaching methods and operating mode;
- fulfillment of the basic didactic principles of teaching;
- application of multi-perspective methods in teaching;
- development of critical thinking within pupils;
- raising awareness and developing the dialogue on mutual past to achieve reconciliation;
- strengthening teachers’ competencies on how to teach controversial and sensitive issues in history teaching.
10 papers will be selected on the competition, and they will be published in Montenegrin and Albanian language. The authors will get the opportunity to present their workshop on the national seminar which will be held in March 2021. The award of 150 euros is provided per selected work/workshop. In case there is more than one author of the paper / workshop, the award will be divided into equal parts.
The deadline for application is 12 January 2021.
The applications should be sent via e-mail milos@cgo-cce.org and vujovic.rade@gmail.com (the application must be sent to both e-mail addresses at the same time), with the subject: Application for Competition Wealth of diversity – cultural history of minorities in Montenegro.
Results of the competition will be announced on the website of the CCE and HIPOMONT, and the authors of the selected works will be directly notified.
The competition is part of the activities of the project Wealth of diversity – cultural history of minorities in Montenegro, which the CCE implements in partnership with HIPMONT, with the support of the Ministry for human and minority rights.