Young people in Montenegro – social ornament or social capital?

About publication

Authors: Miloš Kenežević, Petar Đukanović

Publishing year: 2016.

The project “Young people in Montenegro – social ornament or social capital?” seeks to contribute to the empowerment of young people in Montenegro and to their active participation in the promotion of democratic values that also lie at the foundation of the European Union. More specifically, the objective of this project is to raise the awareness of the public and the interested parties about the issues, problems and the prospects of young people in Montenegro, as well as to strengthen the capacities of young people for active participation in social and political processes.

The importance of this project is reflected in the fact that it provides a comprehensive insight into one of the most marginalised social groups in the Montenegrin society – a group that is often talked about, but whose needs, opinions, views and potential have never been adequately recognised or assessed. Consequently, the young people lack the tools to confront the challenge of carving a place for themselves in the society and exerting influence on the current affairs.

The period of growing up is difficult in itself, even in the more stable countries. In the transition societies like Montenegro, drastic changes in the social reality add another layer of complexity. The years of social turmoil in which the younger generations grew up left a mark on them. They face great expectations, but nobody asks what the society as a whole, or its individual parts, did to enable the young people to voice their opinions and apply their knowledge.

The writing of this publication was supported by the Regional Office of Friedrich Ebert Foundation.