Call for Participants of the Intercultural Camp Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is announcing a call for participants for the INTERCULTURAL CAMP If you are a high school student and want to learn about constructive forms of communication, build connections with peers from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and influence changes in your school and… »
Law should be changed to address educational, not party, needs
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) believes that reverting to the legal solution where school principals are appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Education is not a good move. This reinstates a previously proven harmful model of inappropriate political influence and control over the education sector’s employees, who number is over 14,000, and with their… »
Youth in Montenegro Marginalized Due to Systemic Neglect by Decision-Makers
On the eve of August 12th – International Youth Day, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) wishes to highlight the concerning marginalization of young people who face numerous challenges, including an inadequate education system, difficulties in employment and career advancement, and a lack of influence over decision-making processes that directly affect them. These issues have… »
EU accession process non-transparent, with only 50% of planned commitments fulfilled in the first half of 2024
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) highlights the chronic lack of transparency in Montenegro’s EU integration process, the lowest ever involvement of interested public in this key national priority, and the low level of fulfillment of assumed commitments. According to data obtained by the CCE, in the first half of this year, only 49% of the… »
29 years since Operation Storm – victims still without justice
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) honours the innocent victims of crimes committed during the military-police operation “Storm,” which was conducted from 4 to 7 August 1995, and once again emphasizes the importance and obligation of uncovering the truth about the missing, prosecuting war crimes, and delivering justice for the victims as a permanent duty of… »
Citizens disapprove Spajić’s attitude towards Parliament, and a systemic institutional crisis is evident
The economic situation remains a significant challenge, with 48.5% of Montenegrins stating their monthly income is insufficient to cover expenses. This is compounded by a crisis of legitimacy in state institutions, excluding the Special State Prosecutor (SSP), as trust declines among those with the power to improve citizens’ lives but who continue to prioritize party… »
RECOM forum: Dignity for the missing
Within the RECOM Reconciliation Network, the 16th Forum for Transitional Justice in Post-Yugoslav Countries began in Pristina, organized by the Humanitarian Law Center and the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo, in partnership with organizations among which also Centre for Civic Education (CGO) from Montenegro, and supported by the European Union. The first day included thematic panels,… »
Law on Free Access to Information is an important tool for the work of the NGO sector
Effective implementation of the Law on Free Access to Information is crucial for the work of the non-governmental sector, therefore it is necessary to have good knowledge within the sector about all aspects of this process to use the legal provisions, as concluded after a two-day training organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE)… »
Anti-corruption training for security sector representatives held
Preventive action is essential to combat or minimize corruption, and one effective approach is ensuring that security sector members are familiar with anti-corruption mechanisms. This is the why trainings like today’s one beneficial and important, as concluded by the participants of the training organized by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) for 25 representatives from… »
Youth employment – how to overcome obstacles and create opportunities?
“Young people have become a less employable group in our society, and the education system often does not keep up with market needs. While there are perspectives for overcoming this problem, they require coordinated and strategic efforts, and some programmes, such as the Youth Guarantee, are expected to be implemented quickly,” was emphasized at the… »