Presented interactive narrative “Targeting History and Memory”

On the occasion of 6 December, date when the attack of Yugoslav People’s Army and Montenegrin reservists escalated in Dubrovnik 25 years ago, Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Centre for transitional justice (SENSE) and Center for dealing with the past (DOCUMENTA) organised the presentation of interactive narrative “Targeting History and Memory”. Daliborka ULJAREVIĆ, CCE executive… »

Targeting History and Memory

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Centre for transitional justice (SENSE) and Center for dealing with the past (DOCUMENTA) are organising a presentation of interactive narrative on the occasion of 6 December, date when the attack of Yugoslav People’s Army and Montenegrin reservists escalated in Dubrovnik 25 years ago TARGETING HISTORY AND MEMORY Speakers: Daliborka ULJAREVIĆ,… »

Response to violence against women should be united

On the occasion of International Day for the Elimination of violence against women, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) joins the appeals to institutions to start working more efficiently on the suppression of violence against women – both through the prevention, and through the efficient sanctioning and provision of adequate and sustainable support resources for an… »

COMPETITION for 10 interns

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Institute Alternative (IA) and portal Vijesti, within the project ACTIVE STUDENTS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT! announce a COMPETITION for 10 interns The selected students will go through an intensive training programme and practical education comprised of study visits to organisations and enterprises that are an integral part of the project, workshops… »

International Day of tolerance marked with visit to Ombudsman and award of diplomas to XXIII generation of Human Rights School

Knowledge about human rights is necessary to understand the concept of tolerance and to it towards other people. This was the assessment of the meeting of participants of XXIII generation of Human Rights School of Centre for Civic Education (CCE) with Ombudsman and his associates. On the occasion of International Day of tolerance, participants of… »

New Government should be at the service of citizens not party trades

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) estimates that the announced formation of new departments in Government does not correspond to the need for efficient and frugal approach. Government of Montenegro is already one of the most cumbersome governments in Europe with 24 members (Prime Minister, six vice presidents and 17 ministers), and CCE previously recommended some… »