New mechanisms necessary to ensure the right to truth and justice concerning the severe and systematic violations of human rights
On the occasion of 24 March – International Day for the Right to the Truth Concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) appealed the decision-makers and competent institutions to show utmost devotion and investigate the fates of persons who went missing during the wars of nineties,… »
How do politicians perceive the process of reconciliation in region?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and Coalition for RECOM organised second debate on reconciliation in PR Centre on the subject “How do politicians perceive the process of reconciliation in region?” Daliborka Uljarević, CCE Executive Director, opening of debate underlined: “It is very important to insist on the responsibility of politicians in terms of the facing… »
How do politicians see the reconciliation process in the region?
With the education against peer violence
Miloš Knežević, Coordinator of the Centre for Civic Education Youth group of (CCE YG), was a guest of Pupils’ Parliament today at High School “25 May” in Tuzi, where he held a workshop on peer violence. The workshop objective was to inform young pupils on the nature of this form of violence, its causes and… »
Women in Montenegro still fight for their rights
Representatives of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) provided their support to protest Marsh of Women as marking of 8 March – International Women’s Day, held in Podgorica, in the organisation of NGO Anima and Women’s Rights Centre, with the aim to indicate on low level of respect for the women’s rights, especially in the… »
Selection of Fast Forward Film Festival gains on new acclaims
Before the seventh edition of Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival 2016, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is already working on its preparation, film selection, and fundraising for the organisation of this, for Montenegrin context, unique festival. FAST FORWARD Festival is of multiple significance – both for the domain of affirmation of human rights and… »
Masters and PhD thesis of academic staff and officials should be made public
Within its activities related to fight against the corruption in education, and participation in global initiative Open Government Partnership, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) proposed an anticorruption measure which would render all masters and PhD thesis of academic structure of employees on higher-education institutions in Montenegro, as well as the works of public officials, easily… »
Minimal efforts of relevant institutions in the process of satisfying the justice for victims of crime in Štrpci
On the occasion of 23 years since the crime in Štrpci, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) reminds about duty of the system institutions, of all post-Yugoslav states, to recognize status of civilian war victims for victims of this crime, in order to thus at least minimally respect dignity of victims. Not even after more than… »
Poor people, persons with disabilities, Roma, old people, sexual minorities and women are most discriminated
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) today presented a research on public opinion regarding the perception of citizens on discrimination and homophobia within its project Different but equal, supported by the Embassy of Canada. Field part of research was done by agency Ipsos Strategic Marketing. By discussing on project, within which the research was done, Svetlana Pešić, CCE… »