On the occasion of International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims which is celebrated on 24 March, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) emphasizes that adequate facing with the past for every society, as well as for the Montenegrin one, is the basis… »
The Administrative Committee wants to annul the will of NGOs
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Center for Development of Non-Governmental Organizations (CRNVO), Institute Alternative (IA) and Center for Monitoring (CEMI) express serious concern about the work of Administrative Committee, whose competence is to check documentation of candidates for members of the RTCG Council, and they invite the public interested in this process, which governing structure… »
Peace Education Programme
In the framework of the new educational programme ”Contemporary tendencies of critical thought” CCE presents, for the first time in Montenegro, the world-renowned PEACE EDUCATION PROGRAMME (PEP) This programme of weekly, hour-long workshops, lasts for 10 consecutive weeks. It is created by The Prem Rawat Foundation, with the purpose of helping participants discover inner resources,… »
The First Street Action “Prevent or Cure Corruption: Your Call!” held
Centre for Civic Education organized today, in the centre of Podgorica, the first in a series of street actions “Prevent or Cure Corruption: Your Call!”, where the promo material that indicates harmful effects of corruption on society, as well as forms of corruption and associated illegal activities, were given to the citizens. During this action,… »
A cycle of lectures on: Theorists of classical geopolitics
In the framework of the new educational programme „Contemporary tendencies of critical thought“ CCE organizes A cycle of lectures on: Theorists of classical geopolitics The theme of this cycle of lectures, which lasts for 10 weeks, includes key concepts of the founders of the most important geopolitical schools of 20th century: Anglo-American, Russian and German… »
Political underrepresentation of women remains a problem in Montenegro
Coalition for Equality STEP, on the occasion of celebration of the 8 March, points out a fact that position of women in Montenegrin society is still far from declarative commitment of decision-makers on achieving gender equality and society of equal opportunities for both sexes. Representation and status of women in social spheres in which decisions… »
Violence against LGBT community must be sanctioned more severe
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) condemns a new case of violence against members of the LGBT community, which took place two nights ago in the centre of Podgorica, when two persons were attacked and suffered minor injuries due to their assumed sexual orientation, and calls on competent state authorities to make immediate and effective reaction.… »
Authorities shall seriously consider State Department’s report
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) appreciates the fact that recently published State Department’s report on the state of human rights in Montenegro for 2013 confirms for many years established attitudes on state of Montenegrin institutions, and unequivocally recognizes and emphasizes problems of pervasive corruption, discrimination and restriction of freedom of expression, with an accent on… »
Remembering crime in Štrpci – 21 years later
On the occasion of marking the twenty first anniversary of crime in Štrpci, Centre for Civic Education (CCE) recalls that victims of this and other war crimes committed in Montenegro or on behalf of Montenegro, shall not be forgotten, and that they are still waiting for justice to be served. Even after more than two… »
The Initiative for calling the elections for the Rector of UoM adopted
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the decision of Managing Board of the University of Montenegro on calling the elections for the Rector of that institution of higher education. It is important and commendable that the Managing Board of University of Montenegro (UoM) has taken measures in order to correct the failure in terms of… »