In the hall of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) diplomas were ceremoniously presented to participants of XXII generation of Democracy School, which is organized by the CCE with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Diplomas were given to the participants who have successfully completed the programme, by Daliborka Uljarević, the Executive Director of… »
International Human Rights Day – a reminder of how much more must be done in human rights protection
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on the occasion of 10 December – the International Human Rights Day – indicates that the Montenegrin institutions need to be a lot more dedicated to promotion, advocacy and protection of human rights of all citizens. During 2013, Montenegro has achieved certain positive progress in the area of human rights,… »
Scientific arguments against prejudice
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has organized a presentation of the analysis “Montenegrin education policy and sexual orientation: representation of LGBT topics in school curricula and textbooks” by Aleksandar Saša Zeković, MA, today. The analysis was produced through the project “Campaign for raising awareness in schools”, implemented by the CCE within the framework of the… »
Additionl efforts needed for efficient and effective fight against corruption
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on the occasion of 9 December – the International Anti-Corruption Day – appeals to the authorities and institutions that are in charge for the implementation of the anti-corruption laws to fully and objectively apply all existing mechanisms to face this problem that significantly burdens the development of Montenegrin society. The… »
ID Vijesti supports Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival 2013
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) soon, for the fourth time, organizes Fast Forward Human Rights Film Festival with a more diverse and quality programme. Excellent response and interest, primarily of young people, who in this way learn about human rights, encouraged CCE team to further develop this initiative in programme and technical aspect. In this… »
Urban planning at the local level in Montenegro – risks for corruption
The Centre for Civic Education (CCE) has, in cooperation with the Institute Alternative (IA), NGO Bonum and NGO NADA, organized a panel discussion regarding “Urban planning at the local level in Montenegro – risks of corruption” on 29 November, within the framework of the project “Corruption at the local level – zero tolerance!”. Panel discussion… »
Corruption on local level – zero tolerance!
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Institute Alternative (IA), NGO Bonum and NGO NADA invited you at the panel discussion within the project Corruption on local level – zero tolerance! Panel discussion: Urbanism on local level in Montenegro – corruption risks Friday, 29 November 2013, 12h00-13h30 Centre for Civic Education, Podgorica Panelists: Daliborka Uljarević, Executive Director… »
Corruption on local level – zero tolerance!
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Institute Alternative (IA), NGO Bonum and NGO NADA invited you at the panel discussion within the project Corruption on local level – zero tolerance! Panel discussion: Public-private partnerships at the local level Thursday, 28 November 2013, 12:00-13:30 Academy of knowledge, Budva Panelists: Miodrag Marković, Head of the Office for fight… »
Three days long seminar was held on topic: Discrimination within the legal framework and the Montenegrin reality- how to improve the existing state?
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), on behalf of the Coalition for Equality STEP, organized three-days long seminar entitled “Discrimination in the legal framework and the Montenegrin reality – how to improve the current situation?” from 22 to 24 November 2013. The training gathered more than twenty participants from non-governmental organizations dealing with various aspects of… »
Violence against women still a serious problem in Montenegro
Youth Group of the Centre for Civic Education (YGCCE) is using the opportunity on the occasion of the International day for the elimination of violence against women to remind about the problem of violence against women in Montenegrin society, the need of serious dealing with this subject and to create conditions for the safe life… »