Withdraw bill on higher education from procedures

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), after a public debate of 17 May 2013 on the Draft Law on Higher Education, assess that the proposed text should be immediately withdrawn from the procedure. The reasons for the withdrawal of the text are numerous, and are reduced to the fact that it is impossible to submit amendments… »

Draft law on higher education worse than the current law

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) assess that the draft Law on Higher Education, which has recently been put to a public hearing represents worse solutions than those stipulated by the Law which is currently in force. In general, the new law on higher education would have to be more reduced, systematic with clearly defined standards,… »

Equal rights for all

Centre for Civic Education (CCE), regarding the 17 May – International Day Against Homophobia, wishes to express concern due to existing state of affairs of rights and freedoms of LGBT community in Montenegro, who are still living under daily threats, hate speech, discrimination and violence. The research results show continued high levels of homophobia of… »

Responsibility for prosecuting war crimes is in authorities

Daliborka Uljarević, executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), had a presentation today at the international conference “Regional cooperation and reconciliation after the judgment of the ICTY: continuation or stalemate?”, held in the Austrian city of Reichenau. The conference runs from 2-4 of May 2013, and is organized by the Austrian Ministry of… »

Improving the criminal justice system in Montenegro requires more than amendments to the criminal code

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the amendments to the Criminal Code of Montenegro, especially in this part which provides that the punishment can serve at home instead of in a prison. However, for this form of re-socialization and humanization of the sanction, society must be prepared, informed and educated, before the standardization and implementation… »

Improve the status of the journalistic profession

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) congratulates International Press Freedom Day (3 May) to all journalists, as well as to the media, and encourages them to persist in their mission in which they face every-day threats to their independence, professionalism, and sometimes, unfortunately, even their security. Freedom of the media must be indefeasible and represents a… »

Advertisment: Human rights school – XVII generation

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publishing an ADVERTISMENT for XVII generation of the HUMAN RIGHTS SCHOOL – school for learning human rights from theory to practice- School comprises 3 modules in total of one intensive week with numerous lectures, workshops, film screenings and theater forums which will offer an opportunity to learn and discuss… »

Some countries show “reforms fatigue”

Daliborka Uljarević, executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) participates today at the international conference entitled “Further EU Enlargement in South Eastern Europe – the road ahead!”, held in Zagreb and organized by the International Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) from Zagreb and the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI). At… »

Chapter 26 temporarily closed, but a lot of work still remains

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the provisionally closure of another negotiating chapter – Chapter 26 (Education and Culture). Provisionally closure of this chapter, in addition to previously provisionally closed chapter 25 – Science and Research, is a step towards membership of Montenegro in the European Union. This chapter is very important for Montenegro, given… »