CCE calls upon the Constitutional Court to accept the Initiative for the assessment of the constitutionality of the Law on Misdemeanors, to suspend execution of all actions taken on the basis of this Law and brought by the judges appointed by the Government of Montenegro, and to rule that the challenged provisions of the Law… »
Barbarians of our times
Joint public statement of Cimbaljevic, Gorjanc-Prelevic and Uljarevic
Citizens of Montenegro ought to know more about the EU
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses its concerns regarding recent Eurobarometre results, which show a decline in trust, but also a high degree of unawareness of citizens of Montenegro about the European integration process, which confirms our previous findings from the project “Europe in my city”. In this context, CCE calls on the Ministry of… »
CCE recognized as a credible organiser of the adult education programmes
Executive director of the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Daliborka Uljarević participated in the conference “Adult Education in Europe outside of the European Union” organized by the European Association for Adult Education (EAEA) and the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association(DVV International) which ends today in the Ukrainian capital Kiev… CCE… »
Joint press release by the group of non-governmental organizations and individuals working to promote the culture of human rights in Montenegro on the reaction of the “Barbarians”
We express our solidarity with the director Danilo Marunović, actor Todor Vujošević and journalist Mirko Bosković, who were brutally attacked because of their support to LGBT rights and tolerance of diversity in Montenegro… Joint press release by the group of non-governmental organizations and individuals working to promote the culture of human rights in Montenegro on… »
Hate crimes should be punished
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and LGBT Forum Progres strongly condemn this morning’s brutal attack on Danilo Marunovic, Todor Vujoševic and Mirko Boskovic. We require from the authorities to confirm legal purpose of the criminal sanctions in this particular case and to provide LGBT community and all persons, which through their work suport equality in… »
Advertisment for XV generation of the Human Rights School
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) is publishing an ADVERTISMENT for XV generation of the HUMAN RIGHTS SCHOOL – school for learning human rights from theory to practice- School comprises 3 modules in total of one intensive week with numerous lectures, workshops, film screenings and theater forums which will offer an opportunity to learn and discuss… »
New test for Montenegrin judiciary
On the occasion of the commencement of the retrial in the case known as the Deportation of Bosniaks and Muslims in front of the Higher Court in Podgorica, the Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls on the judicial authorities not to allow repetition of the mistakes of the previous procedure within this reopened procedure, as… »
Delays with the delivery of free textbooks additionally marginalise vulnerable groups
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) calls the ministers of education and sports and labour and social welfare to determine whose responsibility is that pupils from vulnerable groups did not get textbooks timely, even though they are eligible for these. Such action resulted within their further marginalization compared to other pupils… Delays with the delivery of… »