In order to get the final text version of the Strategy for the Civic Education in the elementary schools and gymnasiums (2007/10), Bureau for Educational Services of the Government of Montenegro, in cooperation with NGO Centre for Civic Education (CCE) and OSCE Mission in Montenegro organized consultations (focus groups) with civic education teachers, elementary school… »
Centre for Civic Education announces one new working position
Programme associate, trainee Requested qualifications: degree in Philosophy (VII grade), knowledge of English and French language, computer skills. Advantage is given to the candidates with high average mark obtained during their studies, experience in working in NGO sector, or those who attended some of the non-formal education programmes. Deadline for application is 26/10/2007 Centre for… »
Education for successful process of European Integrations
VI generation of the European Integration School and III generation of the European Integration School for the North of Montenegro organised by Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Centre for Development of NGOs (CDNGOs) and European movement in Montenegro (EMiM) with the support of Foundation Open Society Institute – Office in Montenegro have started with the… »
Party propaganda still in public institutions
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) informs the public and the Minister of Health, Labour and Social Security of the Government of Montenegro that several citizens of Danilovgrad reported seeing a large framed portrait of the President of Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) in their health centre… Party propaganda still in public institutions – (pdf)
DPS Leader’s photos in the police of Bijelo Polje
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses its concern with the silence on the part of the responsible authorities regarding the ever more frequent citizens’ complaints various party propaganda, party paraphernalia and visibly placed photographs of the leader of one political party being displayed entirely against the Law in numerous institutions of the Montenegrin public administration…… »
Free state institutions of party iconography
Institutions in the service of parties and individuals
Lecture – Human rights as European value
Centre for Civic Education, Centre for Development of NGOs and European Movement in Montenegro with the support of the Foundation Open Society Institute, Representative Office in Montenegro, in cooperation with the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Montenegro, through the programme “Forum of European Integration Schools” organise: LECTURE on HUMAN RIGHTS AS EUROPEAN VALUE… »
The Parliament ought to stop being the obstacle to the transformation of the RTCG into a public service
Advertisement for participants of V generation of the Human rights and minority rights school
CCE and Commission for allocation of part of lottery games means are publishing an ADVERTISMENT for V generation of the: HUMAN RIGHTS AND MINORITY RIGHTS SCHOOL School comprises 4 modules lasting totally five months. The courses will be held twice a week for 2 hours. All expenses are covered by the Commission for allocation of… »