In Baljvine, Bosniaks and Serbs protected each other during the 1992-1995 war, and unlike the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, there was no inter-ethnic bloodshed, which is why it was called the “village of peace” in several media reports. That is why, it was also the inspiration for the research that was presented today, in… »
Young people dissatisfied with education and expect politicians to deal with the improvement of socio-economic situation instead of their own positions
The education system does not prepare young people for the labour market nor for participation in other processes. This is one of the conclusions of the focus groups with young people from Bijelo Polje, Kotor, and Podgorica, conducted by the Centre for Civic Education (CGO) with the aim of qualitatively deepening the previous empirical research… »
Young people are better represented in this year’s election manifestos, but there is significant room for better positioning of youth
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) points out that, unlike some previous election cycles, participants of the recently held parliamentary elections in Montenegro have devoted a certain level of attention to the position of children and young people in Montenegro through their election manifestos, proposing measures aimed at improving the quality of their lives. This refers… »
Call for the best literary and artistic work of primary and high school students
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) announces a CALL for the best literary and artistic work of primray and high school students The Call is intended for primary and high school students from all schools in Montenegro who want to contribute to the prevention of discrimination and violence against LGBTIQ people and the acceptance of LGBTIQ… »
SEC once again “embraced” party interests
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) draws the attention of the interested public to the controversial decisions of the State Election Commission (SEC), which, over the past two days, has been considering complaints regarding the conduct of early parliamentary elections at certain polling stations in several Montenegrin municipalities. The SEC’s decisions on these complaints are mostly… »
Pride month for LGBTIQ+ people in the sign of growing intolerance and clericalization of society
Pride month for the LGBTIQ community should be a month in which we celebrate the richness of diversity. Instead, LGBTIQ people even today go out into the streets in Montenegro fearing how much it will cost them to hold hands, hug or kiss a homosexual partner, and how much it will cost them just to… »
Electoral manifestos mostly ignored civil society
Centre for Civic Education (CCE), after analyzing the election manifestos, notes that most participants in the parliamentary elections in Montenegro, held on Sunday, 11 June, did not specifically address the position of civil society in Montenegro in their election manifestos. More precisely, out of 15 electoral lists and 14 analyzed manifestos (one list did not… »
Challenges in preserving basic human values
When we talk about human values, we refer to the legacy of the Enlightenment as an era that provided one of the most significant impulses to the development of modern civilization. To what extent do universal human values live in Montenegro nowadays? Freedom, equality, and human rights are inherent to every individual and should be… »
From crypto to cringe – election campaigns in 2023 Montenegro Parliamentary election in Montenegro 2023 (strategic-communication perspective)
Introduction The election campaign is the top of the political communication pyramid and the final step of the political campaign. A good and intelligent political campaign lasts every day of exercising power or opposition work, from the moment of taking office until election day. By no means with the same topics, the same messages, or… »
Necessary urgent investments in cyber capacities of police and prosecution organizations
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) expresses concern about the underdeveloped awareness of the importance of capacity building to fight cybercrime within the prosecutorial and police organization, and in the conditions of the pronounced vulnerability of the Montenegrin system to cyberattacks. The CCE urges decision-makers to put this issue on the agenda so that the entire… »