On the occasion of 2 November – International day to end impunity for crimes against journalists, Centre for Civic Education (CCE), urges the competent institutions to intensify efforts to resolve and prosecute attacks on journalists and to put this issue at the top of their agenda. The consequences of the attack on journalists affect journalists… »
The silence of the senators
Professor Danilo Nikolic, professor Djurdjica Perovic, professor Irena Orovic, professor Natasa Kostić, professor Boris Vukicevic, professor Dusko Bjelica, Professor Radoje Korac, professor Vesna Kilibarda, professor Sanja Pekovic, professor Predrag Miranovic, professor Zarko Dasic, professor Milan Markovic, professor Goran Barovic, Dr Radoslav Raspopovic, professor Kemal Delijic, professor Nikola Milovic, professor Spiro Ivosevic, professor Sasa Mujovic, professor… »
European pulse 139
Film is an important media for human rights education
Podgorica, PR Press Service – An important role in the educational process has development of creativity, and within the FAST FORWARD Travelling Film factory project more than 240 elementary pupils had the opportunity to learn about human rights through the film perspective and interaction with their peers. This was stated at the conference ‘Engaged art… »
Education against oblivion
Media reporting on the LGBTIQ community mostly positive
After two-month monitoring of media reporting on LGBT community in Montenegro, Centre for Civic Education (CCE), ascertains the dominantly positive and neutral media reporting on the Pride Parade and related topics. CCE invites all media to report about the LGBTIQ community more profoundly and frequently, even beyond particular events regarding that community. CCE has, from… »
Workshops that connect learning, socialising and creativity
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised from 14to 18 October second five-day long workshop on filmmaking and media in the field of human rights for elementary school pupils aged 11-15. In this manner, they got familiar with the film and ways of communicating human rights through film. The workshop is part of the project FAST… »
Future pedagogues, psychologists and sociologists learned about LGBT rights
Centre for Civic Education (CCE) organised today training for future professionals in the field of education on the topic ‘Homophobia and transphobia prevention and education in Montenegrin high schools’, within the project NO to discrimination, YES to differences, implemented with the support of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights.
Pupils learned about film as responsible and engaged activity that helps advocacy of human rights
Local authorities should not ignore citizens’ requests
The Coalition for Transparency and Fight against Corruption at the Local Level (KUM) supports the efforts of non-governmental activists and citizens of Ulcinj to protect the Pine forest area and urges the Ulcinj local authorities to respect the voice of its citizens, but also to act responsibly towards the resources of this municipality. We recall… »