Equal opportunities

Presentation of the publication “Multiculturalism and Underrepresented National Communities in the Montenegrin Education System, project “Multiculturalism, minority peoples and other minority national communities in the Montenegrin educational system”, Podgorica, 30 June 2023

Presentation of the public opinion survey on multiculturalism in Montenegro, project “Multiculturalism, minority peoples and other minority national communities in the Montenegrin educational system”, Podgorica, 18 April 2023

Presentation of the public opinion research on attitutes on discrimination in Montenegro, project „Stand up against discrimination, hate speech, misoginy and other forms of digital violence“, Podgorica, 11 October 2022

Montenegro and COVID-19 – thirty months of battling or coexisting?, 20 September 2022, Podgorica

Training „Promotion of inclusion and prevention of discrimination against people with disabilities“, 26 – 28 July 2021, Podgorica

Panel discussion “The promotion of equality and fight against discrimination and violence as prerequisite of social inclusion of persons with disabilities”, 29. January 2021, Podgorica

Press conference on the occasion of the presentation of the research “Perceptions of Citizens on Discrimination and Homophobia”, 26 February 2016, Podgorica

Press conference on the occasion of the presentation of the analyses “Honorary Citizenship – awarded to whom and how?”, 27 October 2015, Podgorica

Press conference on the occasion of the presentation of the report “Three years of the violation of the Constitution: who is responsible?”, 19 May 2014, Podgorica

Promotion of publication Montenegrin education policy and sexual orientation: representation of LGBT topics in school curricula and textbooks, by Aleksandar Sasa Zekovic, 9. December 2013, Podgorica,

Training of Civic Education and Healthy Life Styles teachers on discrimination and LGBT rights, 11 – 13 October, 2013, Podgorica

Presentation of the project “Raising awareness in education on LGBT rights”, 4 October 2013, Kolasin

National Dialogue Session “Equality Principle and LGBT rights: registered partnership”, 11 July 2013

Delivery of the books collected through the volunteering action “Give the book to the female department of the Bureau for execution of criminal sanctions (ZIKS)” conducted by Human Rights Action, Centre for Civic Education, Centre for Antidiskrimination EKVISTA, Shelter, Centre for Women Rights and NGO 4life, 28 June 2013