Final diploma ceremony, 28 June 2005, Law Faculty European Integration School Third generation of European Integration School completed its work. Final diploma ceremony will take place on Tuesday, 28 June 2005, at 18h00, Room No II, at the Law Faculty.
June 2005
Joint Declaration on the Conditions for Further Democratization of Montenegro
Representatives of the nongovernmental organizations from Montenegro that take an active part in the development of democracy, civil society, human, minority and women’s rights, rule of law, elimination of all forms of discrimination, preservation of the values of multiethnic and multicultural society, education, promotion of European standards, development of environmental awareness,
Human Rights and Minority Rights School
Second generation of the School for Human Rights and Minority Rights HUMAN RIGHTS AND MINORITY RIGHTS SCHOOL Second generation of the School for Human Rights and Minority Rights, organised by the Centre for Civic Education with support of the Council of Europe, through the Confidence Building Measures Programme has successfuly completed its work. Final diploma… »