Final diploma ceremony – European Integration School

Final diploma ceremony, 28 June 2005, Law Faculty

European Integration School

Third generation of European Integration School completed its work. Final diploma ceremony will take place on Tuesday, 28 June 2005, at 18h00, Room No II, at the Law Faculty.

The School lasted from March until June 2005 and it was consisted of 7 modules, which offered wide spectrum of theoretical and practical knowledge from the field of European integration. During this period, eminent lecturers and experts from the country and abroad, members of diplomatic core in our country and other guests familiarised participants with history, development and functioning of European integration processes, current position of European institutions, their influence on our society and perspectives of cooperation in this field. Beside the introduction into these processes, participants are trained for different kinds of activism in regard to the promotion of ideas of European integration, as well as European standards and values. This generation also had specific module on “Montenegro and European Union”, in which realisation representatives of the Ministry of Economic Foreign Affairs and European integration took active part. In total, 40 participants successfully completed this intensive programme, which included final exam at the end of the work.

The participants of the School were officials of the republican and local authorities, judiciary and prosecution, as well as representatives of non-governmental organisations, media, education and students of final years of social sciences with expressed high level of activism.

Speakers at the final diploma ceremony will be:
– Ms Sanja Elezović, Director, Foundation Open Society Institute, Representative Office in Montenegro
– Mr Momčilo Radulović, Secretary General, European Movement in Montenegro
– Mr Stevo Muk, Executive Director, Centre for Development of NGOs
– Ms Daliborka Uljarević, Executive Director, Centre for Civic Education

European Integration School is organised by the Centre for Civic Education, Centre for Development of NGOs and European Movement in Montenegro, with financial support of the Foundation Open Society Institute, Representative Office in Montenegro.