Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the decision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to finally act in accordance with the provisions of the Law on free access to information regarding the letter of CCE, which was related to the availability of data on the diplomatic and official passports… Step forward – (pdf)
May 2009
Why are diplomatic passports hidden?
After Tito, a tito?
For the beginning, every one of us should first decide what kind of life we want: as subjects or as citizens – a life in which we will talk fearfully about all deviations our society is rife with, waiting for somebody else to “do the job” for us, or a life in which we will… »
Transparency in everyone’s interest
Centre for civic education (CCE) continuously makes efforts directed to increase of the transparency level of the University of Montenegro as well as the credibility of this high educational institution, thus contributing the fight against corruption in this area… Transparency in everyone’s interest – (pdf)