Chapter 26 temporarily closed, but a lot of work still remains

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) welcomes the provisionally closure of another negotiating chapter – Chapter 26 (Education and Culture). Provisionally closure of this chapter, in addition to previously provisionally closed chapter 25 – Science and Research, is a step towards membership of Montenegro in the European Union.

This chapter is very important for Montenegro, given the limited human resources and the fact that precisely the education and skills of Montenegrin citizens are a prerequisite for strengthening society, economic development and improvement of the overall standard of living. However, the provisionally closure of Chapter 26 should be understood only as the beginning of the road to building an educational system that will provide, in the future perspective, a prosperity of Montenegro, and produce staff who will be competitive both on Montenegrin and on the European market knowledge. To achieve this goal, a lot of work is required, and there is still work ahead, so that Montenegro will, not only in formal but in essential manner too, reach the level of educational and cultural development of the EU member countries.

To achieve these standards, the quality of the education system in Montenegro must be improved, and the activities in the field of fight against corruption in education, particularly in higher education, will be indicative of sincere aspirations and efforts in achieving these goals.

The Montenegrin educational system has in the previous period undergone significant reforms at all levels. They brought both positive and negative consequences and trends, which often arise from misunderstanding of the process itself, thus leading to its inadequate implementation, and consequently, there should be an active work to overcome these phenomena. On the other hand, access to a number of educational programs of the Union, is a significant opportunity for our pupils, students and professors, which opens the opportunity for them to acquire their knowledge and improve it, not only in educational institutions in Montenegro, but the entire EU, which is truly commendable.

Centre for Civic Education (CCE) had its representatives in both two working groups that have been provisionally closed negotiation chapters 25 and 26, and by its active participation contributes to preparing all the necessary prerequisites for the achievement of European values in Montenegro.

Ana Vujošević, Programme Coordinator